View Full Version : Duterte's son, drug-smuggler?

8th October 2017, 16:51
President of Philippines threatens to kill own son if he’s found guilty of drug trafficking
The President of the Philippines is threatening to have his son killed if drug trafficking allegations against him are true.
President Rodrigo Duterte said that the police who kill Paolo Duterte, 42, will be immune from prosecution.
Paolo Duterte is accused of smuggling huge quantities of crystal methamphetamine from China through a Chinese triad, AFP reported.
President Duterte, who campaigned on a law and order platform, insisted that none of his children were involved in drugs, but if they were, they would face the harshest punishment.
“I said before my order was: ‘If I have children who are into drugs, kill them so people will not have anything to say,” Duterte said in a Wednesday night speech.
“So I told Pulong (Paolo’s nickname): ‘My order is to kill you if you are caught. And I will protect the police who kill you, if it is true,'” he said.
Duterte, 72, assumed office in the middle of last year, promising to eradicate illegal drugs by killing up to 100,000 traffickers, AFP reported.

Duterte’s aides have described his claims as “merely rhetoric” or “hyperbole.”
Some of Duterte’s opponents allege that he and has family have long been involved in corrupt activities.
Duterte denies all allegations of corruption.
The younger Duterte, who is vice mayor of Davao, has denied any criminal activity.

Of course,given his connections he will never be found guilty of anything nor shot in a dark back alley like a dog,but its the thought that counts..............Right? :wink:

8th October 2017, 19:16
Practice what we preach springs to mind :NoNo:

9th October 2017, 01:38
Dont deal drugs here end of story.. If you do it will drastically increase the chances of getting one in the nut,no matter who you are these days..IMO.