View Full Version : Wife of stroke victim being forced to leave UK

18th October 2017, 09:45
tps://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/oct/17/wife-of-stroke-victim-who-needs-24hr-care-must-leave-uk-while-he-cares-for-children?CMP=fb_gu (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/oct/17/wife-of-stroke-victim-who-needs-24hr-care-must-leave-uk-while-he-cares-for-children?CMP=fb_gu)

Michael Parnham
18th October 2017, 16:34
tps://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/oct/17/wife-of-stroke-victim-who-needs-24hr-care-must-leave-uk-while-he-cares-for-children?CMP=fb_gu (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/oct/17/wife-of-stroke-victim-who-needs-24hr-care-must-leave-uk-while-he-cares-for-children?CMP=fb_gu)

Not good at all, surely someone can change this outcome :Erm:

Arthur Little
18th October 2017, 17:11
tps://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/oct/17/wife-of-stroke-victim-who-needs-24hr-care-must-leave-uk-while-he-cares-for-children?CMP=fb_gu (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/oct/17/wife-of-stroke-victim-who-needs-24hr-care-must-leave-uk-while-he-cares-for-children?CMP=fb_gu)

:omg: ... "NO exceptional circumstances"!?! Read Roland's link, :yeahthat: - then tell me these people don't warrant special dispensation :cwm23: - because, if ever there was sound justification for it, it's this poor family's situation!

Arthur Little
18th October 2017, 18:43
:omg: ... "NO exceptional circumstances"!?! Read Roland's link, :yeahthat: - then tell me these people don't warrant special dispensation :cwm23: - because, if ever there was sound justification for it, it's this poor family's situation!

:poke: ... NO :censored: compassion, this government, it seems. :NoNo: ... oh, I'm only too well aware there're those who'll claim 'Rules are Rules', :icon_rolleyes: while others will say, I should've voted Labour, :doh! But c'mon ... !

Arthur Little
18th October 2017, 19:12
Anyway, Roland ... :anerikke: ... thanks for posting this article; :olddude: ... it gives a moaning old git like me :wink: something else to gripe about.

18th October 2017, 19:44
Yes rules are rules, and are we reading all that has happened to the family or just part of it so we will feel for them?
This just shows you that you must provide funds for yourself and your family wherever you are.
Was he living in the Phils for many years, as the kids are 10 and 7, or was he living here and visiting there? Why was his partner not a British citizen? Lots of questions, but what has it to do with me anyway?
Thank god he has managed to get back to England with the benefits he will get and free hospital care too. Harsh it may be but he is lucky, it's his wife who has to go through all the heartache of maybe never seeing her kids or her partner again, unless he has savings or can get a job paying a good wage.

19th October 2017, 00:45
Waterman, a former soldier for the British army, requires 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week care from Leah and medical experts. His stroke caused major brain injury, resulting in the paralysis of the right side of his body and significant weakness on his left. He struggles to walk outdoors. He is at risk of falling whenever he stands up and would be unable to get himself off the floor if he did fall. He cannot do even gentle exercise for more than three minutes without requiring a rest.


Waterman’s brain injury has also caused severe aphasia. “This means that he is unable to communicate his needs or the needs of his children verbally or non-verbally. He is unable to write. He would not be able to summon help in an emergency or respond to his children’s needs,” said Keen.

So when she goes back, he will die and the kids will be adopted..

I`m sure there are some really wonderful and newly welcomed, visa free Bulgarian families that will take the kids in.
Look on the bright side..They will learn and adopt a whole new culture!!
What does the law say?? "In the best interest of the children"
Of course!
Anyway..Don`t argue..Rules are rules!!

19th October 2017, 19:19
Rules should always be flexible, in fact they are if you're high-profile. Example, the Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai, shot by the Taliban in Pakistan. No links whatsoever to the UK, brought here for medical treatment with her siblings and parents, the family never had to return to Pakistan once she had finished surgery. Wonderful the strings that can be pulled behind the scenes :smile:

Arthur Little
19th October 2017, 20:19
Rules should always be *flexible, in fact they are if you're high-profile. Example, the Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai, shot by the Taliban in Pakistan. No links whatsoever to the UK, brought here for medical treatment with her siblings and parents, the family never had to return to Pakistan once she had finished surgery. Wonderful the strings that can be pulled behind the scenes :smile:

Yes, :iagree: ... *especially in cases like the family of the former Military Police officer who has since been incapacitated by a severe stroke.