View Full Version : Attitudes Towards Alcohol Consumption In Front Of Children

Arthur Little
18th October 2017, 14:59
What is yours, :cwm25: if [like me] you're a parent?

Much effort has been expended by Health Professionals over the past six decades to discourage young people from taking up the addictive :Smokin: habit. NONE more noticeably than since the dawning of the 21st Century.

And, of course, ... :anerikke: ... rightly~so!

But conversely - by comparison - a whole lot less appears to've been done to highlight the ever-present DANGERS arising from excess alcohol :party-smiley-012:imbibance amongst those in their teens/early twenties.

Children during their formative years, generally tend to learn from the example(s) they're taught at home - where the MAIN role models are their elders, [I]most[/FONT] cases] their parents.

https:www.theguardian.com/society/2017/oct/18/what-is-your-attitude-toward-alcohol-consumption-in-front-of-children ... :ReadIt: