View Full Version : DOES A Bath A Day Keep The "Cobwebs" Away?

Arthur Little
27th October 2017, 00:39
:smile: Hmm ... there can be few among us who aren't familiar with the old adage, "An apple a day, *keeps the doctor away". Matter of fact, I'm munching one as I type.

Actually, though, how much truth there is in *that, of course, is ... :anerikke: ... ANYONE'S guess. Ask Doc Alan. :icon_lol:

But in an interview with 'The Times' newspaper, Tim Loughton, the MP for East Worthing & Shoreham - and Tory backbencher - extols the virtues of steeping for an hour in a warm bubblebath first thing each morning ... providing you don't doze off :NEW5: in the process! :wink:

https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/hour-in-bath-each-morning-how-an-mp-begins-work-xr0lgmv75 ...:ReadIt:

According to Mr Loughton, his morning ritual cleanses the body, while clearing the mind.

Hence my analogous mention of "cobwebs" which, in the context, serves a dual purpose.

27th October 2017, 11:53
Oops... thanks for the reminder Arthur.

I do like to have a bath or shower at least once a month, whether needed or not. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
27th October 2017, 12:56
Oops... thanks for the reminder Arthur.

I do like to have a bath or shower at least once a month, whether needed or not. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:laugher: ... likewise!

Arthur Little
27th October 2017, 13:51
or shower :xxgrinning--00xx3:

N.B. The MP goes on to say, however, that one of the GREATEST causes of stress in the world ... was the invention of the :Shower:!

Arthur Little
27th October 2017, 14:32
N.B. The MP goes on to say, however, that one of the GREATEST causes of stress in the world ... was the invention of the :Shower:!

Tbh, :icon_rolleyes: ... I'm inclined to agree; (whenever time permits my taking one) I find a luxurious, lo~ng soak ooo much more relaxing.

27th October 2017, 21:59
Sadly there is no bath provided in my lovely little OAP bungy, :olddude: BUT I do have a nice fold-away seat, should I start feeling a little tired while taking my shower. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
28th October 2017, 02:40
Sadly there is no bath provided in my lovely little OAP bungy, :olddude:

Aww ... :yeahthat:'s a shame, Graham. Seems to be the modern trend, in order to minimise the risk of older people emerging from a bathtub and slipping in the process.

BUT I do have a nice fold-away seat, should I start feeling a little tired while taking my shower. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ahh well ... :anerikke: ... at least that's some compensation, I suppose. :cwm24:

28th October 2017, 15:47
Yes... maybe useful in the future, when I become a 'proper' old dodderer. :olddude::biggrin: