View Full Version : Going back to Philippines 13A and one way ticket

22nd November 2017, 21:55
Hi all, well after being in Ireland then Scotland and now back in Ireland.

Finally we have decided to go back to Philippines.

Flight booked for 13th Dec.

Now I booked 2 single tickets. I contacted the airline because they said I need return or onward ticket or they won't let me board.

I told them though I have been out of Philippines for 2 years, I have 13A Residency Card and that as I understood with this I do not need a return or onward ticket. They just quoted the rules and advised I contact the Embassy. So far the Embassy Consulate in Dublin have not answered my email, I emailed rather than phoned as a positive reply would mean I have it in black and white.

However it's maybe wise just in case to get an onward ticket. I have found some on Sky Scanner for Malaysia for 46 euro, Vietnam 50 euro, Taiwan 108 euro, Malaysia the cheapest.

Anyone any advice or input on this? Thanks and I missed you all. :Wave:

Ako Si Jamie
22nd November 2017, 23:33
Wow. Are you going back to Malaybalay, Stewart?

Air Asia are commencing flights on Dec 21st from Kuala Lumpur to Davao btw.

22nd November 2017, 23:53
We will be visiting Malaybalay for a while, but I'm thinking it's not as safe there now as last time. Probably ok in Malaybalay itself, but I've heard of NPA activity on the Cagayan to Malaybaly road, though Mrs still has property there which is ideal, but I have safety concerns. We are thinking to look at Dumaguete, there is 200sq mtrs we been offered for 250 thou - worth over 350 - but I'd like at least double that land. Bohol is also a choice

23rd November 2017, 00:22
It`s not a certainty but you may have broken the terms of your R.P visa by being away too long..
Even if they accept that it`s still valid on your return there will be fines to pay for the years you failed to report.
If you still have a valid ACR card to show the airlines however,I cant see you having any issues with onward ticket issues as you are exempt. (unless they argue that you have invalidated your visa)

10. Who are exempt from the “six-month passport validity” rule?

Philippine passport holders;
Former Filipinos and their dependents (immediate family members);
Permanent residents and holders of other special visa categories requiring temporary residents (with valid ACR I-Cards);


23rd November 2017, 01:06
Thanks Fred, now I'm more worried about if my residency is broken than I am of needing a return ticket.

When I left the Philippines I was of the understanding that if I wasn't in the country to do my yearly report, then it was ok but must report as soon as I return.

What if they say I'm due fines? Will I be held at the airport immigration until I get the money? I won't have pesos on arrival. Heck, now I'm wondering how much for about 2 years in fines.

23rd November 2017, 04:19
I wouldn't worry about it too much..

Just did a quick search and found a comment by a guy in your position.

I have done this , I pushed off to Saudi for a couple of years to work.
I missed 2 Annual reports, When returning to the Philippines, It was no bother at NAIA, stamped through as usual , { As a 13a holder } & then when reporting to Immigration here in Bacolod, No drama's , just paid the missed annual report fee's { P260 } & all was right with the world again !... incredible !!!.

He said this in 2014 so rules might have changed..I have no clue. IMO you will pay any fines due (if any) when you report early next year...If the worst comes to the worst and your visa is now invalid,at least you are travelling with your Mrs so they will give you a BB stamp..(one year visa free stay)
Anyway..Let us know how you get on.

Ako Si Jamie
23rd November 2017, 08:34
260 peso's fine for missing reports for two years?

That's cheaper than a bribe! :icon_lol:

23rd November 2017, 10:52
Thanks Fred, been doing some searching myself too, that's 2014 though, I found some that said 200 peso per month, which isn't so bad if I get to keep the residency,

The Mrs has asked her sister in Cagayan to go ask of my situation in the local office where I would normally do the yearly report,

Just wondering if I'm fined, if they might hold me at airport until it's paid, arrested or whatever, lol

23rd November 2017, 12:42
Just buy a cheap onward ticket to anywhere mate... don't need an actual return ticket.

To somewhere like Hong Kong. Just to cover yourself.

I wouldn't think there will be any problem at the airport, as I can't see that they would check the far end of a fart about your 13A. Ask them for a Balikbayan stamp as well... belt and braces. (Remember to have your marriage cert handy) . :smile:

Sort out any late reporting fines and stuff once you're in-country.

Best of luck to you both. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2017, 15:20
Thanks Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2017, 16:19
Just wondering if I'm fined, if they might hold me at airport until it's paid, arrested or whatever, lol


Michael Parnham
23rd November 2017, 18:32
Hope everything turns out ok Stewart, good luck:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2017, 20:22
Thanks Michael :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2017, 20:36
Stewart, why not enter on a balikbayan visa, no onward ticket needed for that ... or not that I have had when I have entered this way and no one has ever questioned me. I buy my tickets online though so no one to refuse me.

23rd November 2017, 21:34
It's here that's the 1st biggest hurdle, they won't let me board the flight without return or onward ticket.

Besides, I think you still need a return/onward ticket before you get a balakbayan stamp.

Bought my ticket single journey online too, no problem buying, it's the boarding.

23rd November 2017, 22:26
Last time I went back was only with a one way ticket. As you have a filipina wife, I am sure you wont have problems. If the airline know the rules they will not make a problem. Worst case scenario if they refuse is to book the cheapest flight out on your phone so you can show an eticket, but really, boarding with your wife, explaining you are getting a balikbayan visa (one year) is enough. I have entered many times from China to Philippines with no forward ticket.

23rd November 2017, 22:33
I bought an onward ticket when I first moved here, dated for two weeks after my arrival in the Philippines to fly from Clark to Borneo, cost £30 quid :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Ako Si Jamie
23rd November 2017, 22:49
What made you choose to return to Pinas, Stewart?

23rd November 2017, 23:37
Last time I went back was only with a one way ticket. As you have a filipina wife, I am sure you wont have problems. If the airline know the rules they will not make a problem. Worst case scenario if they refuse is to book the cheapest flight out on your phone so you can show an eticket, but really, boarding with your wife, explaining you are getting a balikbayan visa (one year) is enough. I have entered many times from China to Philippines with no forward ticket.

To be honest, I don't mind paying 50 to 150 euro for an onward ticket just for peace of mind

23rd November 2017, 23:52
What made you choose to return to Pinas, Stewart?

2 years of stress, shrinking wallet and being in limbo.

This SS Route isn't what I signed up for at the start 2 years ago. At that time it was simple, C Visa, go to host country for 3 months, then into UK and Bob's your uncle - fast quick and simple enough. From the day we got that C Visa, others waited a year for the same, some longer, some still waiting, UK started not accepting 3 months as enough to prove you made centre of life in host country, and Brexit. UK making new laws, ignoring the fact that they were still under EU law as far as immigration was concerned. It took a year in Ireland to be able to get family permit to UK. By then UK HO playing silly buggers, the biggest percent of those in UK that did SS route being refused residency for silly reasons. Their favourite refusal was for circumventing (using host country as back door into UK). When refused, it means appealing etc; it's costly needing lawyers etc for best chance to win, then waiting and waiting. They also stopped giving the right to work for the non-EU spouse. So 1 year in Ireland, 5 months in UK and up to now is about 2 years. How much longer being in stress and limbo not knowing if, at the end, you will win and end up broke and broken? It's not worth it. It's nice here in Ireland, but still 5 years to get permanent residency here, and it's expensive. I don't need this stress at my age, I'd rather die in Philippines stress-free than die here of stress. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th November 2017, 00:59
I'm sure you'll be fine (and relaxed) in the Phils Stewart... assuming you have some sort of regular income now... pension , or whatever. Doesn't need to be a lot to live happily there.

Do keep us informed of how you're getting on. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
24th November 2017, 02:01
2 years of stress, shrinking wallet and being in limbo.

This SS Route isn't what I signed up for at the start 2 years ago. At that time it was simple, C Visa, go to host country for 3 months, then into UK and Bob's your uncle - fast quick and simple enough. From the day we got that C Visa, others waited a year for the same, some longer, some still waiting, UK started not accepting 3 months as enough to prove you made centre of life in host country, and Brexit. UK making new laws, ignoring the fact that they were still under EU law as far as immigration was concerned. It took a year in Ireland to be able to get family permit to UK. By then UK HO playing silly buggers, the biggest percent of those in UK that did SS route being refused residency for silly reasons. Their favourite refusal was for circumventing (using host country as back door into UK). When refused, it means appealing etc; it's costly needing lawyers etc for best chance to win, then waiting and waiting. They also stopped giving the right to work for the non-EU spouse. So 1 year in Ireland, 5 months in UK and up to now is about 2 years. How much longer being in stress and limbo not knowing if, at the end, you will win and end up broke and broken? It's not worth it. It's nice here in Ireland, but still 5 years to get permanent residency here, and it's expensive. I don't need this stress at my age, I'd rather die in Philippines stress-free than die here of stress. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:gp:s Stewart. Tbh ... :anerikke: ... I'd have expected you and Lolita to've been "home 'n' dry" by now - using the 'Surinder Singh' Route via (in your case) the Irish Republic - and the fact that the Home Office appears to me to be "riding roughshod" over yours (as well as other couples') applications fairly "gets my dander up". :cwm23: Especially while, as you [rightly] say, the SS Route remains open to those in your situation.

24th November 2017, 07:00
To be honest, I don't mind paying 50 to 150 euro for an onward ticket just for peace of mind

The other option would be to pay the full fare of your 'throw away' ticket. Double check but normally when you pay the full fare this allows a full refund upon cancellation, so works out cheaper in the long run.

26th November 2017, 22:24
Can't offer any advice but just wanted to wish you and your family the very best of luck with your next challenge, Stewart. Hope you make it back to Philippines without any further hassle :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th November 2017, 23:29
The other option would be to pay the full fare of your 'throw away' ticket. Double check but normally when you pay the full fare this allows a full refund upon cancellation, so works out cheaper in the long run.

Thanks Simon, I've booked with Cebu Pacific. Their option for refundable ticket is that they hold the money when cancelled, giving 90 days to use on another flight or lose it. I've booked a ticket Manila to Bangkok 58 euro, my printout says Itinerary Receipt. I assume that's equivalent to flight ticket for purpose of showing as the onward ticket. I've also printed out:-

http://www.immigration.gov.ph/faqs/travel-req showing 11. Who are exempt from the return ticket requirement, which I will try first at Dublin check in just to test KLM out. The onward ticket will be my wild card, lol.

26th November 2017, 23:31
Can't offer any advice but just wanted to wish you and your family the very best of luck with your next challenge, Stewart. Hope you make it back to Philippines without any further hassle :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks Rosie :smile:

27th November 2017, 21:04
It's been one hell of a day today, got up this morning, Lolita got a message her Mamma just died.

One very upset emotional filipina, didn't know how to handle it at all. At last her fire has cooled down
and she's stopped blaming me, for her not being there. We didn't expect this yet, as it is her papa who is dying, both parents are just a few days out of hospital when it happened, think she had a heart attack

Doc Alan
27th November 2017, 22:03
Condolences and best wishes Stewart and Lolita.

27th November 2017, 22:45
My condolences also to you your wife and family.

It is not easy when you are far away and you know you cant do anything.

27th November 2017, 22:56
Condolences and best wishes Stewart and Lolita.

Thanks Doc Alan

27th November 2017, 22:57
My condolences also to you your wife and family.

It is not easy when you are far away and you know you cant do anything.

Frustrating, Thanks Steve

Arthur Little
28th November 2017, 00:13
:NoNo: ... never seems to rain but it pours! Please offer Lolita my sincere condolences.

28th November 2017, 01:00
:NoNo: ... never seems to rain but it pours! Please offer Lolita my sincere condolences.

Thanks Arthur, i will

28th November 2017, 01:16
So sorry to hear of this Stewart. My condolences to you and Lolita.

28th November 2017, 01:59
So sorry to hear of this Stewart. My condolences to you and Lolita.

Thanks graham

28th November 2017, 04:42
Can't really add to anything that hasn't already been said, but please accept my sincere condolences too.
I'm on a flight this afternoon if there's anything I do to help.

Michael Parnham
28th November 2017, 13:36
Condolences for your family loss Stewart and Lolita, lets hope things all fit into place and brighten up in 2018 for you. Please update us as time progresses, God bless you.

28th November 2017, 15:09
Sorry for your loss, I've just been back to the Ph for the weekend myself as Rose's Dad passed away suddenly too (quick trip for me, she went for a week).

As for the SS route not being accepted any more. Pretty frustrating I am sure. All I can suggest is finding another country you both want to live in and go there such as Spain.

Arthur Little
28th November 2017, 18:24
Likewise, Rose ... :sorry-2: to learn of the sudden loss of your father. Please also accept my sincere condolences.

Harry T
5th December 2017, 09:04
Firstly, sorry to read about all the stress and hassle you have had over the past few years, it all seems to be for nowt.

I've just returned from a couple of months in Phils, in LA Roxas 1 hour from Maramag. Reading your comments about NPA activity, I think I saw a scrawled sign at the roadside between CDO and Malabalay but that's about all. Yes, there are three roadside checkpoints between Maramag & CDO, one on the outskirts of Valencia, Maramag side, another between Valencia & Malabalay, and the other is in between Grasano Mall Puerto in CDO, and before you get to the newly opened Coastal road actually in CDO.

Dumaguete seems a nice place to live. Bohol is also a good choice, but remember there was Terrorist activity in Clarin only a few months ago. Personally, I would still choose Bukidnon, but hey it's up to you, you pays your money and makes your choice. Good luck whatever you decide, me it looks like it's going to be Bukidnon. Where? Not quite sure yet.

5th December 2017, 18:28
Thanks everyone. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th December 2017, 18:32
Firstly, sorry to read about all the stress and hassle you have had over the past few years, it all seems to be for nowt.

I've just returned from a couple of months in Phils, in LA Roxas 1 hour from Maramag. Reading your comments about NPA activity, I think I saw a scrawled sign at the roadside between CDO and Malabalay but that's about all. Yes, there are three roadside checkpoints between Maramag & CDO, one on the outskirts of Valencia, Maramag side, another between Valencia & Malabalay, and the other is in between Grasano Mall Puerto in CDO, and before you get to the newly opened Coastal road actually in CDO.

Dumaguete seems a nice place to live. Bohol is also a good choice, but remember there was Terrorist activity in Clarin only a few months ago. Personally, I would still choose Bukidnon, but hey it's up to you, you pays your money and makes your choice. Good luck whatever you decide, me it looks like it's going to be Bukidnon. Where? Not quite sure yet.

Thanks Harry, it might not be so bad as I thought it was getting there. We will be going straight to Malaybalay, decide from there what we will do. Lita's mum buried just the other day, but she will be glad to see her dad and family.

Harry T
5th December 2017, 23:27
Thanks Harry, it might not be so bad as I thought it was getting there. We will be going straight to Malaybalay, decide from there what we will do. Lita's mum buried just the other day, but she will be glad to see her dad and family.

Thanks for the rep Stewart. It's always best to see for yourself if possible. We were only in Malabalay last Monday as it was Fiesta time down on Graema sub division. :biggrin: Jan's brother lives there with his wife and two kids. Mindanao has a reputation far worse than it deserves, even other Filipinos from other regions do lots of scaremongering. Possibly that's to the advantage of other areas of the Philippines, because if they don't go to Mindanao they will spend there money elsewhere. :wink: In my opinion, the biggest drawback for Mindanao is not having a central airport, but there is one on the drawing board for Maramag, Don Carlos but which century I have no idea. :biggrin:

5th December 2017, 23:39
Thanks for the rep Stewart. It's always best to see for yourself if possible. We were only in Malabalay last Monday as it was Fiesta time down on Graema sub division. :biggrin: Jan's brother lives there with his wife and two kids. Mindanao has a reputation far worse than it deserves, even other Filipinos from other regions do lots of scaremongering. Possibly that's to the advantage of other areas of the Philippines, because if they don't go to Mindanao they will spend there money elsewhere. :wink: In my opinion, the biggest drawback for Mindanao is not having a central airport, but there is one on the drawing board for Maramag, Don Carlos but which century I have no idea :biggrin:.

My sister in law lives in Graema sub division :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Harry T
6th December 2017, 19:47
My sister in law lives in Graema sub division :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Small world Stewart, I'm actually getting Jan's sister in law to find out about a property on there, which if its the right price I could be interested in buying either to rent out or live in. There was another property which we were told was for sale, but at 800k Php is, I would have thought, expensive for Graema. For that kind of money, I would rather we build our own. :smile:

6th December 2017, 21:12
Small world Stewart, I'm actually getting Jan's sister in law to find out about a property on there, which if its the right price I could be interested in buying either to rent out or live in. There was another property which we were told was for sale, but at 800k Php is, I would have thought, expensive for Graema. For that kind of money, I would rather we build our own. :smile:

Building your own is fun, if you're employing it's 200 per day labourers, 250 skilled men, foremen 300 :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2017, 22:54
We're building our own...one room at a time, on our acre of land just outside of town.

So far we have one bedroom, nice CR/shower with proper flush toilet, plus now, a kitchen, with tiled concrete worktops, and next the 'sala' (to replace the current timber one). I will take care of that next month, when I'm back there. :smile: Works out at about p50,000 per room... built from hollow blocks, internally 'plastered'.

All with concrete floors at least 2 feet above max flood level.

6th December 2017, 22:55
Bukidnon is a lovely place, we had a trip there with friends. We are in Tagum and when you drive over the mountains and look down to the ocean the view is fantastic.

6th December 2017, 23:22
We're building our own...one room at a time, on our acre of land just outside of town.

So far we have one bedroom, nice CR/shower with proper flush toilet, plus now, a kitchen, with tiled concrete worktops, and next the 'sala' (to replace the current timber one). I will take care of that next month, when I'm back there. :smile: Works out at about p50,000 per room... built from hollow blocks, internally 'plastered'.

All with concrete floors at least 2 feet above max flood level.

Nice one :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2017, 23:23
Bukidnon is a lovely place, we had a trip there with friends. We are in Tagum and when you drive over the mountains and look down to the ocean the view is fantastic.

Yes, it is nice :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th December 2017, 13:01
Oh blimey, not more problems for you both! My condolences to you, your wife and family out there. Good luck with your trip back.

9th December 2017, 21:33
Oh blimey, not more problems for you both! My condolences to you, your wife and family out there. Good luck with your trip back.

Thanks Lordna :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th December 2017, 00:09
Sorry to read about your misfortune Stewart and my condolences to you and your wife. I hope the new year brings a change in fortune for the pair of you. Take care.

10th December 2017, 00:39
Sorry to read about your misfortune Stewart and my condolences to you and your wife. I hope the new year brings a change in fortune for the pair of you. Take care.

Thanks :xxgrinning--00xx3: well it will be xmas for us in Philippines this year, looking forward to the celebrations

15th December 2017, 15:27
Arrived in Manila Thursday 14th yesterday, had no problems at all boarding both from Dublin and Schipol to Manila. Handed my passport with residency card together, not a question asked, so was a waste buying the onward ticket, but there again, it gave me peace of mind. It's Friday evening now, didn't go to the Manila immigration, flying to Cagayan on Sunday and then on to Malaybalay getting picked up by family so a comfy ride to Malaybalay. Mrs can't wait to see her papa and family. Then Monday, we will get bus back to Cagayan to see immigration. We will probably stay in Malaybaly a few months at least.

Since arriving in Manila we are staying at a friends in Taguig, looking at property going as a 2 year sanlarenta. Thinking to invest as you get the full money back after 2 years, so it's like not paying any rent. There is a place has 3 apartments for sanlarenta, could live in one and rent the other 2 out. This way, we also earn money on rent as well as not paying rent on the one we stay in. Seems a good idea, and it's all done through an attorney, so thinking hard on this one.

Harry T
15th December 2017, 17:29
Nice to know some things are going your way at last, keep in touch. I will probably be round Malabalay, Maramag about the end of February early March, would be nice to have a chin wag with you. Enjoy Malabalay :biggrin:.

15th December 2017, 18:03
Nice to know some things are going your way at last, keep in touch. I will probably be round Malabalay, Maramag about the end of February early March, would be nice to have a chin wag with you. Enjoy Malabalay :biggrin:.


15th December 2017, 22:03
Best of luck Stewart. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I have to wait another 3 weeks. :cwm3:

Think again... and again... and again, before 'investing' much money in the Phils mate....attorney or not. :wink:

15th December 2017, 22:14
Arrived in Manila Thursday 14th yesterday, had no problems at all boarding both from Dublin and Schipol to Manila. Handed my passport with residency card together, not a question asked, so was a waste buying the onward ticket, but there again, it gave me peace of mind. It's Friday evening now, didn't go to the Manila immigration, flying to Cagayan on Sunday and then on to Malaybalay getting picked up by family so a comfy ride to Malaybalay. Mrs can't wait to see her papa and family. Then Monday, we will get bus back to Cagayan to see immigration. We will probably stay in Malaybaly a few months at least.

Since arriving in Manila we are staying at a friends in Taguig, looking at property going as a 2 year sanlarenta. Thinking to invest as you get the full money back after 2 years, so it's like not paying any rent. There is a place has 3 apartments for sanlarenta, could live in one and rent the other 2 out. This way, we also earn money on rent as well as not paying rent on the one we stay in. Seems a good idea, and it's all done through an attorney, so thinking hard on this one.

Don't do investments in the Philippines mate, stick with property with clean title. :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th December 2017, 01:26
It's a normal way to rent a property. Example: 150 thou peso (approx £2,230) and the place is yours for 2 years, the 150 though, is returned at the end of 2 years. During that 2 years, I rent the property to a tenant at a rent paid to me of 3,500 per month, 24 months = 84,000 income, + the 150,000 returned.

Property Titles don't come into the deal, as not buying the property

Ako Si Jamie
16th December 2017, 01:47
It's a normal way to rent a property. Example: 150 thou peso (approx £2,230) and the place is yours for 2 years, the 150 though, is returned at the end of 2 years. During that 2 years, I rent the property to a tenant at a rent paid to me of 3,500 per month, 24 months = 84,000 income, + the 150,000 returned.

Property Titles don't come into the deal, as not buying the property

I know it's the season of goodwill but that sounds just too cosy for my liking.

16th December 2017, 02:42
I know it's the season of goodwill but that sounds just too cosy for my liking.

Yeah I know, but based on 1 property it's not a lot to risk, when I look at what I've wasted over the 2 years in Ireland and UK.

I've spent about £40,000, since leaving Philippines 2 years ago, in rent, flights and trying to satisfy immigration, it's all been a big waste, much more lost, makes this look like a small risk in comparison

16th December 2017, 04:16
Sounds like the place is being pawned for 2 years. What happens if you don’t get the 150,000 back?

Ako Si Jamie
16th December 2017, 11:07
Yeah I know, but based on 1 property it's not a lot to risk, when I look at what I've wasted over the 2 years in Ireland and UK.

I've spent about £40,000, since leaving Philippines 2 years ago, in rent, flights and trying to satisfy immigration, it's all been a big waste, much more lost, makes this look like a small risk in comparison

Free rent with the chance of making a profit on someone else's property? What's in it for the owner? What about the maintenance?

As it stands you've got the better deal by the sounds of it, but in reality.......

16th December 2017, 11:48
That's a small sum to invest. It's the PI, lots of sharks swim those waters and they ain't all in the sea. :smile: Your cash, your risk, but remember the old adage, if something seems too good to be true, it invariably is :smile:

16th December 2017, 17:10
Sounds like the place is being pawned for 2 years. What happens if you don’t get the 150,000 back?

After 2 years end of contract, they find another person to take over. It is increased by up to 50 thou making it 200 thou to the new person. That's when you get your 250 thou back, they get 50 thou gain.

If they are unable to replace you and unable to pay you back, then they must offer you to extend if you want until they find someone. If you don't want that, they must find the money. If they fail, they must offer to sell you the property minus your investment, or sell the property to someone else. A contract is all signed up with an attorney and covers such a situation.

16th December 2017, 17:12
Free rent with the chance of making a profit on someone else's property? What's in it for the owner? What about the maintenance?

As it stands you've got the better deal by the sounds of it, but in reality.......

Yes, reality, I guess if I don't try I'll never know, but then end of the contract and getting your investment back is the worrying bit.

16th December 2017, 17:14
That's a small sum to invest. It's the PI, lots of sharks swim those waters and they ain't all in the sea. :smile: Your cash, your risk, but remember the old adage, if something seems too good to be true, it invariably is :smile:

2 are available as of now, but I need more time to think. Told them so and will think more on what to do. Going to Malaybalay tomorrow, where I will wrack my brain, lol.

16th December 2017, 18:33
2 are available as of now, but I need more time to think. Told them so and will think more on what to do. Going to Malaybalay tomorrow, where I will wrack my brain, lol.

If anyone ever tries to rush you into parting with your cash, walk away. :smile: Good luck! :smile:

16th December 2017, 22:15
Have you ever tried to get money back in the Philippines???? Sorry mate but you have a lot to learn, (No offence meant, just good advice)

16th December 2017, 22:54
After 2 years end of contract, they find another person to take over. It is increased by up to 50 thou making it 200 thou to the new person. That's when you get your 250 thou back, they get 50 thou gain.

If they are unable to replace you and unable to pay you back, then they must offer you to extend if you want until they find someone. If you don't want that, they must find the money. If they fail, they must offer to sell you the property minus your investment, or sell the property to someone else.

Don't want to pee on anyone's chips but that seems a lot of palaver for a small return. If it's such a good deal, why doesn't the attorney or property agent sink all of their available cash into it? :cwm25:

17th December 2017, 11:28
Official check in and out?
Delapitations, who pays if the house needs work doing on it?

17th December 2017, 11:33
After 2 years end of contract, they find another person to take over. It is increased by up to 50 thou making it 200 thou to the new person. That's when you get your 250 thou back, they get 50 thou gain.

If they are unable to replace you and unable to pay you back, then they must offer you to extend if you want until they find someone. If you don't want that, they must find the money. If they fail, they must offer to sell you the property minus your investment, or sell the property to someone else. A contract is all signed up with an attorney and covers such a situation.

What if they don't find someone else? Sounds just like a pyramid scheme to me. With the data I see I wouldn't touch it in the UK without solid contracts, never mind the Ph ...

Ako Si Jamie
17th December 2017, 12:00
If my maths are correct, the profit you make over two years equates roughly to £10 per week. Not worth the £2k+ investment in my eyes. It sounds very much like a pyramid scheme too, like Trefor said.

Ako Si Jamie
17th December 2017, 12:04
Don't chase your losses either Stewart.

Was your original plan for you to both stay permanently in the UK?

17th December 2017, 17:08
Don't chase your losses either Stewart.

Was your original plan for you to both stay permanently in the UK?

Yes, that was the original plan.

17th December 2017, 17:16
Thanks all, I'm taking on board all your inputs advices.

My Mrs is the one that does the rushing. She sees what she's convinced is a good thing, hard headed and doesn't want to hear my negatives, hard to deal with sometimes. All the input everyone has given is the negatives I gave her before my reading your replies. Been looking for confirmation, I was tired on arriving and was hard to think straight on it all. That's why I started this thread for your inputs and why I made a determined decision, I wasn't going be be pushed into it and so told Mrs and the other parties I need to go Malaybalay and think on it for a week.

17th December 2017, 17:56
Stewart... don't do it mate.

Rent a cheap place while you get your head together, and keep your money in the bank.

Don't get involved financially with the locals (including renting places out to them), and keep generally 'below the radar'.

So much less stressful.

17th December 2017, 18:04
Stewart... don't do it mate.

Rent a cheap place while you get your head together, and keep your money in the bank.

Don't get involved financially with the locals (including renting places out to them), and keep generally 'below the radar'.

So much less stressful.


17th December 2017, 18:11
Update on the normal reality: Arrived in Malaybalay late afternoon, staying at Lolita's sisters. Tomorrow had planned to go to Cagayan for immigration. That will take the day up, and we have not seen her papa yet, so I've decided to put off immigration for another day, so tomorrow we will see her dad. All the family was at her sisters apart from papa. They were all delighted when the suitcase full of chocolate was opened. Lolita crumbled and cried when we got to sisters house and greeted her sisters.

17th December 2017, 23:46
Aww... sweeet. :biggrin:

Take it slow and easy mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
18th December 2017, 08:14
Yes Stewart, do as Graham suggests and you won't go far wrong:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th December 2017, 04:55
Yes Stewart, do as Graham suggests and you won't go far wrong:xxgrinning--00xx3:


21st December 2017, 09:25
Decided to stay put in Malaybalay, forget about the too good to be true stuff.

Well, been to Cagayan immigration yesterday, no fines just 2 x the 320 fee for the the 2 years missing report.

So went shopping and spent more than a 2 year fine lol, came back today after staying overnight at Lolita's sisters.

Her papa has brightened up a lot since Lolita has come back, even had a short walk with walking frame.

21st December 2017, 22:36
Good to hear Stewart. Take it easy, and keep us updated mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3: