View Full Version : Brexit Divorce agreement reached

Harry T
8th December 2017, 12:47
After all night talks an agreement has finally been reached


I'm expecting the pound to push past 68 Php when this news filters through. :biggrin:

8th December 2017, 16:08
Don't hold your breath Harry....

8th December 2017, 18:02
I just hope they haven't sold us out ... May is too busy appeasing the Remainers in her cabinet instead of firing them. Boris is keeping quiet and not challenging for leadership right now, he probably knows someone needs to be blamed for the mess in future - May and Cameron will do. Boris will pick up once negotiations are done and dusted. Unfortunately not sooner as this is politics and nothing is more important to him than Boris. :Brick:

9th December 2017, 02:15
Treacherous deal.


9th December 2017, 23:54
£39 billion to keep things pretty much as they are :cwm23: