View Full Version : Scientists "Sniff Out" Parkinsonian Symptoms Through Smell

Arthur Little
18th December 2017, 16:24
Originally, the affliction was diagnosed as far back as 1817 by a James Parkinson - after whom the disease was named and became officially recognised as a medical condition.

:yeahthat: could ALL change, because of a woman from Perth, Scotland - Joy Milne - whose incredible olfactory powers of deduction are claimed to've detected the presence of the Parkinsonian Syndrome in her consultant anaesthetist husband, Dr Les Milne, ten years' before the actual symptoms manifested themselves.

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42252411 ... :ReadIt:

Arthur Little
18th December 2017, 17:02
:cwm25: ... y'know I've since discovered there's a TV programme featuring this woman tonight at 7.30. But, for some reason ... :anerikke: ... it's being screened on 'BBC Scotland' only. Pity!

Arthur Little
18th December 2017, 17:39
Ok ... I realise the remark I'm about to make may seem somewhat insensitive in the circumstances. However, it's high time there was a major "shake~up" of television schedules to allow for programmes of National interest (of which this is one!) to be transmitted simultaneously throughout the entire UK. :cwm23:

Arthur Little
18th December 2017, 21:22
However, it's high time there was a major "shake~up" of television schedules to allow for programmes of National interest (of which this is one!) to be transmitted simultaneously throughout the entire UK. :cwm23:

:icon_rolleyes: ... anyway, those who are interested can catch up on BBC iPlayer. :smile:

Arthur Little
18th December 2017, 21:27
:icon_rolleyes: ... anyway, those who are interested can catch up on BBC iPlayer. :smile:

:grosyeux: ...GREAT, informative programme; truly mind~blowing :cwm24: and well~worth seeing! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th December 2017, 07:47
Thanks Arthur, I might take a sniff at it :doh

Michael Parnham
20th December 2017, 09:49
Very interesting Arthur, thank you. :xxgrinning--00xx3: