View Full Version : Help with marriage registration

25th December 2017, 03:46
Hello, I'm Geoff, I'm new here, I really need some help, I got married 3 years ago to my Filipina wife, and I want to emigrate to Philippines, in order for this to go the right way, I believe we have to register our marriage at the Philippine Embassy in London who pass it on to the PSA Statistics office in Philippines, but I'm not sure about all the numbered requirements I just viewed on their website, can some be committed? as it doesn't state (if applicable):doh.....There is another thing that may not be a problem, my wife still has her passport in her maiden name. She is not a British Naturalised or anything as she did not stay here to keep up the 3 stage 5 year visa, currently she is in Philippines. The question is first do we need to register for the sake of emigrating (me that is)?

Any help is very much appreciated.

25th December 2017, 06:30
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Sorry I can't help. But I'm sure somebody will answer soon.

Harry T
25th December 2017, 10:09
I'm not entirely sure, but if you married in Phills then I would have thought there is no need. If, however, you married in the UK, then maybe if you phoned/emailed the Philippines Embassy I'm sure they will point you in the right direction. Good luck.