View Full Version : That time of year again

8th January 2018, 21:48
The dreaded MOT is due next month but I get it done a month early so if there is anything that needs doing I have a month to sort it out.

Just after Christmas I had to get a new exhaust just the cat part but that costing over £120 I just cannot afford to let the car go if it fails, so how much do I pay to get it through for another year's motoring?

I do get the odd person saying why don't I get a new car, but this car has done me well for nearly 19 years and it can do everything a new car can do. In fact it can do more, like parking anywhere and not worrying about those nicks from other cars marking the paint.

A few hundred £££££ is worth it for getting it through but I shall see, car tax in March then the Insurance too. It's getting expensive to own a car these days.

9th January 2018, 09:57
If it looks OK, runs well, and has a new cat then the main things it could fail on are rot, brakes, bushes, suspension, steering. Any of these alone are not too expensive to fix, but if you have 3-4 items the bills add up!

Some cars cost more than others to run ... I just found new front discs and pads for my Mercedes are over £500 at a local Merc independent. Sigh.