View Full Version : Black Pudding Saves Trapped Butcher's Bacon

Arthur Little
12th January 2018, 13:45
:cwm25: ... y'know what I'm like when it comes to puns (well ... :anerikke: ... regulars do!) But I doubt if even I could compete with the author of the following article:

www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-devon-42656666/black-pudding-saves-totness-bucher-trapped-in-freezer ... :ReadIt: for yourselves!

Michael Parnham
12th January 2018, 14:09
:cwm25: ... y'know what I'm like when it comes to puns (well ... :anerikke: ... regulars do!) But I doubt if even I could compete with the author of the following article:

www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-devon-42656666/black-pudding-saves-totness-bucher-trapped-in-freezer ... :ReadIt: for yourselves!

Ha ha, picked this up on the local radio this morning, made me smile lucky fella really :xxgrinning--00xx3: