View Full Version : Eight Signs Of Health Issues Detected From Fingernails

Arthur Little
12th February 2018, 17:02
https://www.apost.com/en/blog/8-signs-of-health-issues-you-can-spot-on-your-fingernails/5671/ ... :ReadIt:

:yeahthat:'s interesting, :cwm25: ... wonder :cwm24: how many actually knew about these???

13th February 2018, 08:41
I was aware Arthur... cheers.

I have ridges on my nails... quite pronounced now, but I'm generally in very good health, not lacking in vitamins, minerals, etc. Joints a bit achy now though (fingers).

I put it down to old age. :olddude:

Maybe I'll ask the Doc next visit. :)

Arthur Little
13th February 2018, 11:23
I was aware Arthur... cheers.

I have *ridges on my nails... quite pronounced now, but I'm generally in very good health, not lacking in vitamins, minerals, etc. Joints a bit achy now though (fingers).

I put it down to old age. :olddude:

Maybe I'll ask the Doc next visit. :)

:olddude: ... *likewise, Graham ... mine identifying with the 3rd category - indicative of inflamatory joints and chronic psoriasis - the latter which I've had for many years.

13th February 2018, 11:29
I think I can tick the (mild) Psoriasis box too Arthur. Had Eczema on a couple of occasions too, when younger... which my little boy appears to have inherited. Immune system overactive by the looks. Others have a lot worse wrong with them though, so I'll put up with it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Last time I had a blood test (last year)... Doc observed that my white blood cell count was high, though I couldn't recall having being under the weather or ill in any way.

Nature's mysteries... eh. :)