View Full Version : Is There Light At The End Of The Tunnel?

Arthur Little
12th March 2018, 22:39
I don't think so, as far as this lengthy - seemingly endless - period of austerity's concerned. :NoNo:

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/mar/12/government-austerity-damage ... :ReadIt:

Arthur Little
13th March 2018, 13:29
:nono-1-1:... certainly NOT while successive governments persist in turning a blind eye to all those Multinational Corporations' habitual avoidance of paying tax!

Arthur Little
13th March 2018, 13:53
:nono-1-1:... certainly NOT while successive governments persist in turning a blind eye to all those Multinational Corporations' habitual avoidance of paying tax!

:yeahthat: ... at the expense of ordinary, hard~working mortals. :cwm23: