View Full Version : Stephen Hawking R.I.P

14th March 2018, 07:52
Stephen Hawking has gone to that great black hole, sad loss of a guy who lived a very unusual life. R.I.P Mr Hawking, good sir. :icon_sorry:

14th March 2018, 08:25
Very sad to hear, certainly one of the biggest minds of our modern times. A great loss to the scientific world.

Arthur Little
14th March 2018, 12:13
:cwm24: ... AMAZING individual! Clearly one of [extremely] few sufferers from 'Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis' (Motor Neurones Disease) to survive until the age he did.


14th March 2018, 12:53
An exceptional human being. RIP sir.

Michael Parnham
14th March 2018, 12:58
Amazing man RIP.

Arthur Little
14th March 2018, 18:55
Here, for those interested, the internet pays homage to the most famous theoretical physicist of ALL time:

https://www.boredpanda.com/stephen-hawking-died-world-pays-tribute?utm_source=1201834_0_0_0&utm_medium=push&utm-campaign-WebPush ... :ReadIt:

15th March 2018, 11:53
What was amazing is at the age of 21 he was only given 2 years to live.... :yikes: