View Full Version : New Pay Deals For NHS Staff

Arthur Little
23rd March 2018, 19:52
Staff - with the exception of those who are GMB members - are seemingly being advised by their unions
to accept the Government's offer of pay rises ranging from between 6.5% & 9% to as much as 29%
across the board.

https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/mar/21/nhs-staff-65-pay-rise-deal-backed-by-healthcare-unions ... :ReadIt:

24th March 2018, 20:27
Good luck to them, pity the private sector does not give such pay increases or pensions....

Michael Parnham
25th March 2018, 10:32
Bet that's why some sections within the NHS have just been transferred to Sodexo :Erm:

25th March 2018, 21:18
We're in the Money, Em's in the money. :xxgrinning--00xx3: