View Full Version : Driving and cyclist

11th May 2018, 09:12
Having just had a fantastic driving holiday leaving Derby and travelling to the Lochs of Scotland then over to Edinburgh, then back to Derbyshire and touring the Debyshire dales, I have come across a few cyclists on my travels.

Now I class myself as a very good driver, and being a cyclist and a motorbike rider, I do give these folk a wide berth and try to think what they may do next like pulling out to avoid potholes and so on, and with the tour of Yorkshire and the tour of France, there seems to be more of the older person going out on their new very fast bikes and dressed in their Lycra, but when you are stuck behind one they can cause mayhem.

The other day I was behind a few cars who were trying to get past this older gent who was flying down this road and each car was giving a wide berth as they went past but it did take a lot of time. We came to a pedestrian crossing with people waiting to cross and the cars stopped but he did not, so again, it was everyone trying to past him. Then we came to an island, and as most cars were turning left, this cyclist tried to undercut everyone but the car that was just setting off, cut the corner a little and "CRASH". Yes, the bike ran into the back of the car, no one injured but this cyclist blew up blaming the car driver and shouting how car drivers are wa--kers and so on.

I had to voice my thoughts to this bloke who should have known better as he was looking for some sort of backing for his claim maybe. Well he got both barrels, TW-T, and I think every driver in the trail that was trying to get past him agreed.

Maybe with so many cyclists on our very busy roads now, there should be some sort of road tax as they have the same rights as others who drive vehicles on the roads.

11th May 2018, 10:20
Any damage to the car involved?

I'd be asking the cyclist for his name and address so I could make a claim against his household insurance :cwm23:

11th May 2018, 10:41

I have decided to sell my bicycle and move to the Philippines... so that's one less wobbly old bloke to avoid. :biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
11th May 2018, 11:15
Cyclists have to be the most arrogant, entitled and stupid people out there - not all of them obviously but there is an alarming trend in the amount of cyclists who think they own the road, pavement, canal tow path, pedestrian precinct etc. and think they can do whatever they please.

The number one stupid cyclist I've come across was the woman who was cycling on a busy road in the dark without lights and carrying A TODDLER ON THE BACK :doh:NoNo:. I guess she thought the hi-vis jacket she was wearing would be sufficient enough. Like it's really going to stand out amongst other traffic. :Brick:

Runner-up was the woman who was weaving uncontrollably across the road on her bike while texting on a one-way street heading in the wrong direction. :censored:

Then there's the ones who jump red lights. A woman was killed not far from me for pulling that stunt.

There definitely need to be some kind of legislation because it's getting out of hand. Will save lives. Not only for cyclists themselves but for pedestrians too. A woman died because of a cyclists actions not long ago but of course the arrogant finger pointing prick showed no remorse as it was obvious to him it was her fault for walking down the street minding her own business :NoNo:.

11th May 2018, 11:23

I have decided to sell my bicycle and move to the Philippines... so that's one less wobbly old bloke to avoid. :biggrin:

Take it with you?

I took mine over last year :smile:

11th May 2018, 16:50
Nah... it's gone now. It was almost as worn out as me.

13th May 2018, 10:20
Nah... it's gone now. It was almost as worn out as me.

Mine is a super light weight carbon fibre one, which always gets admiring comments.

Totally the opposite to me :cwm25:

13th May 2018, 12:22
Would you believe it, I got stuck behind these the other day, it took me hours to get past.

Arthur Little
13th May 2018, 14:19
Would you believe it? I got stuck behind these the other day, it took me hours to get past.

Hmm ...:anerikke: ... in a word, NO. :cwm24: ... you should be so lucky! :hubbahubba:

14th May 2018, 00:08
Would you believe it, I got stuck behind these the other day, it took me hours to get past.


14th May 2018, 04:24

14th May 2018, 16:21
Would you believe it, I got stuck behind these the other day, it took me hours to get past.

You too ? :cwm25:
