View Full Version : Success

Arthur Little
6th June 2018, 16:57
At age 3, success is NOT peeing :piss2: in your pants.

At age 12 ... it's having friends. :grouphug:

At age 17 ... it's having a driving :drivingx: licence.

At age 20 ... it's having sex, :do_it:

At age 35 ... it's having money :REGamblMoney01HL1: to indulge in ... :anerikke: ... whatever you fancy.

At age 55 ... it's having saved enough :REGamblMoney01HL1: to afford a comfortable retirement.

At age 60 ... it's STILL having sex! :do_it:

At age 70 ... it's STILL having a :transam-front-ramai driving licence.

At age 80 ... its once again refraining from peeing :piss2: in your pants.