View Full Version : Dual citizenship

11th June 2018, 10:37
Looking for some advice from those who have done as per the title.

I have downloaded what I think are the correct forms for dual nationality for my kids:-

Report of a birth
Affidavit for Delayed Registration of Birth
Philippine Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Form and requirements

Kids are 4 and 1 and mother has a British passport, hence the reaquisition form.

From experience are these the correct forms or do I need any others.
Also, do I need to make an appointment at the Philippine embassy in London or is it a case of turning up hoping you get seen?

Many thanks in advance

11th June 2018, 18:43
All the forms you need will be here: http://www.londonpe.dfa.gov.ph/consular-matters/forms

According to one member here, you can just turn up on the day, no appointment needed. But better call them to make sure there is a dual citizenship ceremony on the day you will turn up. And bring cash. Payments will be on cash basis I believe.

Arthur Little
11th June 2018, 21:04
According to one member here, you can just turn up on the day, no appointment needed. But better call them to make sure there is a dual citizenship ceremony on the day you will turn up. And bring cash. Payments will be on cash basis I believe.

.................. :yeahthat: member was me. Myrna and I travelled to the British Embassy in London recently. But our visit had simply been to renew her Philippines' Passport ... :anerikke: ... for which you're right, NO appointment was needed.

However, we'd certainly to book in advance when she applied for dual citizenship at an Outreach Session held in Edinburgh just over 5 years' ago. Likewise, :iagree: about cash being the ONLY acceptable mode of payment.

15th June 2018, 17:39
Went to the Philippine Embassy yesterday on another matter and was very surprised to see a credit/debit card reader at the cash desk! Progress at last! So I paid with that and kept my cash.

However, the queuing was exactly the same and a long wait, as ever, to get seen. Best to arrive at 9am when it opens, particularly if you're going for dual citizenship as you need to attend an oath taking ceremony, as I remember. When my wife and step daughter did it, we arrived at 9am ish and didn't get to leave till around 4pm.

Take change for the photocopier, a pen, self addressed special delivery envelopes so any papers etc., can be posted back to you. I would also take cash just in case the debit/credit card machine isn't working.