View Full Version : Bridge Of Desperation

Arthur Little
22nd August 2018, 16:35
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/Venezuela_bridge ... :ReadIt:

Although only 300 metres in length x 7 metres in width, ^ this forlorn looking structure has become the scene of a MASS escape route - to neighbouring Colombia - for millions of poverty-stricken Venezuelans, some four from every five of whom are said to be affected by Latin America's worst~ever humanitarian

Michael Parnham
23rd August 2018, 10:30
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/Venezuela_bridge ... :ReadIt:

Although only 300 metres in length x 7 metres in width, ^ this forlorn looking structure has become the scene of a MASS escape route - to neighbouring Colombia - for millions of poverty-stricken Venezuelans, some four from every five of whom are said to be affected by Latin America's worst~ever humanitarian

Another eye-opening find, tragic. Thank you once again Arthur for updating us with information that would normally have bypassed us.

23rd August 2018, 13:23
Thanks Arthur.

Seems like a country that should be rich, totally 'mismanaged'... to put it politely. :NoNo: