View Full Version : Results Of Medical Investigations Should Be Communicated To Patients Directly

Arthur Little
12th September 2018, 20:00
:iagree: it makes sense - irrespective of whether the outcome of tests conducted in a hospital setting be normal or abnormal - in order to minimise patient anxiety arising from :icon_rolleyes: avoidable delay in waiting to
see the GP responsible for their referral.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5592776/ ... :ReadIt:

Michael Parnham
13th September 2018, 07:40
It's common sense to advise accordingly :Erm:

Arthur Little
13th September 2018, 23:22
It IS, in fact, yours truly who's undergoing tests for [suspected] angina :cwm25: ... using the latest, state of the art myocardial perfusion scanners at Perth Royal Infirmary's Nuclear Medicine Unit in the process ... :cwm24:!

14th September 2018, 07:25
Good luck Arthur.

I had to delay my periodic ultrasound scan on my Abdominal aortic aneurysm. :cwm25:

Arthur Little
14th September 2018, 17:59
Good luck Arthur.

Thank you, Graham. :smile:

I had to delay my periodic ultrasound scan on my Abdominal aortic aneurysm. :cwm25:

Oh yes, of course ... you would do, with being in the Philippines. All the BEST for when you manage to have that done. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:olddude: ... y' know, even at times like these, things can be said to enable us to see the funny side of the situation. Such as what happened following my treadmill :Kilt: ordeal last Monday.

Because of my hearing difficulties, Myrna was allowed to attend the appointment. Consequently, she'd been present while the consultant was summing up her findings. "Hmm ... looks pretty much like you've angina", the cardiologist concluded.

However, once back home, Myrna told me she thought the doctor had said, "looks like you've [a] vagina!" :grosyeux:

Michael Parnham
15th September 2018, 16:10
Thank you, Graham. :smile:

Oh yes, of course ... you would do, with being in the Philippines. All the BEST for when you manage to have that done. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:olddude: ... y' know, even at times like these, things can be said to enable us to see the funny side of the situation. Such as what happened following my treadmill :Kilt: ordeal last Monday.

Because of my hearing difficulties, Myrna was allowed to attend the appointment. Consequently, she'd been present while the consultant was summing up her findings. "Hmm ... looks pretty much like you've angina", the cardiologist concluded.

However, once back home, Myrna told me she thought the doctor had said, "looks like you've [a] vagina!" :grosyeux:

Nice one Arthur! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th September 2018, 13:40
Nice one Arthur! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:68711_thanx: too, Michael ... :icon_lol:

17th September 2018, 14:30
Haha... that was funny Arthur. :icon_lol: