View Full Version : Waiting for Super Typhoon to hit

13th September 2018, 16:06
Not much we can do....hopefully will not be a huge thing for us
Unlike a few weeks ago ....
We just spent 4 week holiday in Mindanao to escape the horrible weather here hahaha

13th September 2018, 22:09
Better have another four weeks Pete, lol. :icon_lol:

14th September 2018, 02:23
Looks like most of the R.P will skirt this one apart from the extreme North..Batanes etc.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th September 2018, 06:09
Everything crossed ! :cwm25:

I went to the market this morning to stock up with spuds, onions and carrots... and am currently charging up all re-chargeable batteries. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th September 2018, 08:27
Well it didn't skirt us....had a terrible night but thankfully all secure.
The Marikina River reached alarm level2 with massive evacuation but not as bad as a few weeks ago when the water level exceeded No1 alarm level. The resulting floods were terrible. Worst thing was about 15 inches of mud left behind together with a such a lot of garbage....

Hope you didn't suffer any damages Graham in your place....

16th September 2018, 11:41
Well it didn't skirt us....had a terrible night but thankfully all secure.
The Marikina River reached alarm level2 with massive evacuation but not as bad as a few weeks ago when the water level exceeded No1 alarm level. The resulting floods were terrible. Worst thing was about 15 inches of mud left behind together with a such a lot of garbage....

Hope you didn't suffer any damages Graham in your place....

Oh dear!!
Ive always said that Manila is not fit for residential purpose now that there are so many people there.. Much of the place is actually below sea level and they are surprised when it floods!!

16th September 2018, 12:00
Oh dear!!
Ive always said that Manila is not fit for residential purpose now that there are so many people there.. Much of the place is actually below sea level and they are surprised when it floods!!

Sadly, millions of people locate in high flood areas. Especially those poorer folks who do not have finances to decide.
Even during normal thunderstorms roads get flooded over ankle depth....not good when getting off jeepneys etc.
So much of NCR is below sea level level and close to river levels....

Here in Marikina so many millions have been used but still there is flooding always during rainy season...it'll never get fixed IMHO
Most of Quezon City gets flooded.

Actually we do have some regrets about our relocation here and have a strategy to move away in a year or two.
For a huge city the opportunities are somewhat limited....

As always, those who can least protect themselves take the biggest hits year on year on year

16th September 2018, 12:04
How is life there Fred?

16th September 2018, 12:25
Nothing out of the ordinary to report in Angeles, winds were up a bit but nothing to cause any concern :smile:

Michael Parnham
16th September 2018, 17:38
How has the weather affected you Graham?:Erm:

17th September 2018, 01:32
Foreigners always seem to make a big deal about a storm.. Filipino`s??
Eat na!!


17th September 2018, 13:49
How has the weather affected you Graham?:Erm:

Hope he's ok, but probably still celebrating his birthday :biggrin:

17th September 2018, 14:24
Actually it hit pretty hard in our area of Pangasinan.

The house was flooded in parts, our 10m metre high phone signal mast (for the internet/wifi) blew down, and we were without power until a few hours ago... so for what, a couple of days ?

Other than that, all seems fine.... though I haven't actually been out of our front gate for 3 days, to be fair. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

.... And yes, I have celebrated my birthday by subtracting another year... as per usual. :biggrin:

17th September 2018, 14:27
Actually it hit pretty hard in our area of Pangasinan.

The house was flooded in parts, our 10m metre high phone signal mast (for the internet/wifi) blew down, and we were without power until a few hours ago... so for what, a couple of days ?

Other than that, all seems fine.... though I haven't actually been out of our front gate for 3 days, to be fair. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

.... And yes, I have celebrated my birthday by subtracting another year... as per usual. :biggrin:

No birthday cake then? :laugher::laugher::laugher:

Arthur Little
17th September 2018, 15:39
Thoughts are with EACH of you - and your families - who've been affected in ANY way :cwm25: by these latest adverse weather conditions in the Philippines.

On a very much cheerier note, :xxparty-smiley-050: ... MANY HAPPY RETURNS in celebrating your birthday, Graham. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th September 2018, 23:15
Thanks Arthur ! :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th September 2018, 02:50
Was all ok for us.

18th September 2018, 04:45
Glad to hear that Steve. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

My Mrs has just showed me pics of the local town ... flooding and damage. :yikes:

Made me realise how lucky we were ... only just up the road. :anerikke: