View Full Version : Calls To End "Them & Us" Attitude Between Cyclists And Motorists

Arthur Little
11th October 2018, 17:11
https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/oct/11/chris-hoy-calls-for-end-to-cyclist-and-motorist-them-and-us-mentality ... :ReadIt:

Frankly ... :anerikke: ... I cannot envisage that happening anytime soon!

12th October 2018, 09:23
That's easy to resolve. Road tax cyclist - who must have insurance and cycle sensibly on the road. Take away the cyclist lanes then it would be more equal. Oh, and a cyclist licence.

Or stop road tax and insurance for motorists to bring them in line with, and equal to cyclists. :biggrin:

12th October 2018, 14:09
Many of us have been both cyclists and motorists... paying all our exorbitant taxes too !:olddude:

A cyclist is very vulnerable, merely seeking to keep fit and healthy, putting out no pollution, doing zero damage to road surfaces, while taking up little space. Impatient, inconsiderate motorists in their cosy 1 ton metal cocoons should remember that. :mad:

12th October 2018, 18:52
I love my e bike. Means I can leave the car at home. Commute 16 miles to work and it only costs a few pence in electricity.

Arthur Little
13th October 2018, 00:08
Many of us have been both cyclists and motorists... paying all our exorbitant taxes too !:olddude:

A cyclist is very vulnerable, merely seeking to keep fit and healthy, putting out no pollution, doing zero damage to road surfaces, while taking up little space. Impatient, inconsiderate motorists in their cosy 1 ton metal cocoons should remember that. :mad:

Graham, :cwm25: ... collectively, ALL of the factors you've listed, are :gp:s ... *each of which, :iagree: , is as *valid as the next in its own right.

13th October 2018, 15:25
Thankyooo ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th October 2018, 10:48
Yes, good points Graham, but also like some bad car drivers I've seen some real idiots on push bikes, side by side/weaving to annoy the driver behind. That's just a few examples, but in truth I've seen more bad car drivers than I have seen bad cyclists

Arthur Little
14th October 2018, 16:10
Yes, good points Graham, but also like some bad car drivers I've seen some real idiots on push bikes, side by side/weaving to annoy the driver behind. That's just a few examples, but in truth I've seen more bad car drivers than I have seen bad cyclists

................................................................................................. :smile: Being a [former] keen cyclist, Stewart, I'd have to say, ":yeahthat:'s the spirit ... now you're talking!" :wink:

15th October 2018, 01:58
... and of course a vehicle driver is is in charge of a very much more potentially dangerous piece of metal than a cyclist is... speaking as one who was very nearly killed when knocked off my bike when 16 years of age and on my way to school, in the 'cycling city' of York.

17th October 2018, 12:17
Graham, those penny farthings must have been difficult to ride ....:biggrin:

18th October 2018, 03:38
well guys my first comment about taxing them was actually meant more as jest, i do understand the plight of the cyclist , being a motorcycle driver before i moved on to driving a car, have seen the carelessness of many car drivers , they dont think bike unless they have had experience as a cyclist or motor cyclist, they need to be more observant, especially to be aware of that blind spot,

20th October 2018, 02:25
Understood. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
27th October 2018, 11:45
That's easy to resolve. Road tax cyclist - who must have insurance and cycle sensibly on the road. Take away the cyclist lanes then it would be more equal. Oh, and a cyclist licence.

Or stop road tax and insurance for motorists to bring them in line with, and equal to cyclists. :biggrin:

I agree. What annoys me about a lot of cyclists is that they're never in the wrong. It's always the motorists fault - or the pedestrian. Let's not forget that cyclists use the pavements too and at least one fatality has occurred when maniacs on two wheels have been racing about on them.

I can't seem to have a nice leisurely stroll even along the narrow canal footpath with my pooch these days without constantly having to watch for marauding cyclists zipping up behind me.

28th October 2018, 01:09
That's the fault of councils... permitting the sharing of paths.

A ridiculous idea. When will a toddler be killed by a cyclist ?

From what I have observed (ignoring the 'professional' in a rush hooligan couriers in London) the majority of cyclists are law-abiding, and in most situations, a threat to nobody except themselves.

As a group they/we pay our share of taxes... bearing in mind that 'road tax' is not necessarily spent or roads, or anything connected with them anyway.