View Full Version : Fresh Blow For Marks & Spencer As Food And Clothing Sales Slump

Arthur Little
7th November 2018, 16:28
https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/nov/07/new-blow-marks-spencer-clothing-food-sales-dip-uk-high-street ... :ReadIt:

Hardly surprising really ... :anerikke: ... when one considers the wide range of [much] cheaper competition available elsewhere nowadays.

Disappointing for the High Street GIANT whose reputation for quality merchandise grew from humble beginnings as a 'Penny Bazaar' around 130 years' ago!

8th November 2018, 14:57
Very sad, when I think back to the place it used to occupy on the British high streets of my youth.

So respected, and trusted for top quality and value for money... and deservedly so.

Where else would one shop for one's Y-Fronts ? :Erm:

Michael Parnham
8th November 2018, 19:12
Always bought my slippers from them. :xxgrinning--00xx3: