View Full Version : 'Sound' Advice If You're Scottish

Arthur Little
13th March 2019, 19:19
When it's dark ootside an' pissin' :piss2: doon,
When it's awfy wild ... 'n' blawin' a hoolie,
Stick yer feet in somethin' woolly.
Nae better place than bein' inside
Cooriein' in by yer ain fireside.
Or in yer kip, listenin' tae the rain :raining:
Bouncin' aff yer windae pane!

15th March 2019, 02:09
Haha... good one Arthur. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

No sign of bad weather here at the moment... :smile:


Michael Parnham
15th March 2019, 12:09
Reminds me of my many many trips to Scotland Arthur, I get a warm feeling even though you are referring to bad weather, nice :xxgrinning--00xx3: