View Full Version : Changing My Avatar

Arthur Little
16th August 2019, 15:59
NOT before time, :iagree: ... since that adorning all my posts/threads at present, is a photo taken in Rome fully <- 7 years ago.

Earlier this year, when Myrna & I went to the Philippines, I'd a *head 'n' shoulders one taken of me "decked out" (pun intended) in naval captain's uniform at 'The Ship Hause' on Bohol during a short visit there. And, if you go to my Profile Page, you'll see that *that photo appears along with the "Roman" one it'd been meant to replace.

:icon_rolleyes: ... 'fraid my best efforts appear to have somehow gone awry, while trying to implement the changeover!
:cwm25: ... ANY help would be most gratefully appreciated.

17th August 2019, 01:54
Arthur... go to 'Settings' (not profile) top right of page.

Scroll down to 'edit avatar'. Left hand side.

Upload from your computer/tablet/phone.... BUT you may need to downsize the picture first, to 120 x 100 pixels or less, using an image editing prog. I use 'Irfanview' .... free download. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th August 2019, 02:02
Here you are mate.

You can borrow this one I resized for you.... :biggrin:


Arthur Little
17th August 2019, 13:24
Here you are mate.

You can borrow this one I resized for you.... :biggrin:


Sorry, Graham ... :anerikke: ... in spite of (seeming to follow) your instructions, nothing (so far) is happening! :NoNo:

17th August 2019, 15:50
Custom avatar.

Upload from your device. (You could save that pic I put on my previous post, and then upload it as your avatar).

Remember to scroll down and save changes ?

.... as I have just done.

Sorry... will restore my own tomorrow....:biggrin:

Arthur Little
17th August 2019, 17:21
Aw gad, :cwm24: ... all the various subsequent experimentations of mine have succeeded in doing :cuss:, is transferring the image I want to underneath some more of your posts instead.

Again, apologies :doh!

18th August 2019, 02:50

Keep trying Arthur.

Michael Parnham
19th August 2019, 04:09
Nice Avatar Graham, how old is he now?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th August 2019, 11:24
Thanks Michael.

He turned 4 years old last week.

Doesn't time fly ! :biggrin:

Arthur Little
19th August 2019, 11:28

Keep trying Arthur.

:Brick: ... clearly beyond me, but would acknowledge your attempts to assist.

19th August 2019, 15:53
A 21st century (just turned) 4 year-old.... :cwm25:



20th August 2019, 03:14
Haha... keep on trucking Arthur.

We're all supposed to be living to 100 nowadays ya know. :biggrin:

Arthur Little
8th September 2019, 17:08
Haha... keep on trucking Arthur.

:yawn: ... ach, weeks later, I'm still getting nowhere.

Michael Parnham
8th September 2019, 20:40
:yawn: ... ach, weeks later, I'm still getting nowhere.

Don't worry Arthur, I am nowhere:wink:

Michael Parnham
8th September 2019, 20:42
A 21st century (just turned) 4 year-old.... :cwm25:


Nice pic Graham:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th September 2019, 10:47
Nice pic Graham:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks Michael. He's growing fast.

Here's today's pic:



Michael Parnham
9th September 2019, 16:31
Thanks Michael. He's growing fast.

Here's today's pic:



That's nice:xxgrinning--00xx3: