View Full Version : 6 months of retirement

30th September 2019, 10:32
6 months ago I retired from paid employment and most of the last 6 months I have been working on the house and garden for no pay at all just someone barking orders for what they think would be nice to replace or make over.

Life is very good , it’s better then I thought and all the worries that I had about retirement has not happened, the worry of not having a pay cheque each month coming in I have not even thought about, yes we joke about if we was still working we could have so much more in the bank , but how much is enough for each of us, I would say retirement is one of the best things I have ever done so far.

I have sorted out and have started to draw down on one of my private pensions , it was a little stressful trying to sort it out but again it’s all done and going into the bank each month .

Still not sure where our final plans will take us but so far we have done all we wanted to do and we will be over in Marikina from late November till late February to do jobs on the house and visit friends plus to see if it’s a possibility of calling the Philippines home in the future, but for now we are wanting to explore other places while we can.

The only thorn in the side I can think off is Ems saying let’s do this let’s do that and let’s go here and there , but everything cost more then my plans I am thinking , but then she will come back at me ‘ you can’t take it with you’ .
But joking aside life is very good for us both.

5th October 2019, 23:34
:xxgrinning--00xx3: great to hear it's going so well Steve.

6th October 2019, 13:51
Happy 6 Months Retired anniversary Steve:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th October 2019, 09:03
I love it.....wish I could've retired at 40 :laugher:

13th October 2019, 00:37
Filipinos are very good at spending money. :cwm25:

I'm enjoying my retirement, even though poor as a church mouse.

I realised a couple of decades ago that I don't need much in the way of money or material things to enjoy life. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
13th October 2019, 19:09
Seems to me, you guys've been busier than ever since retiring, :cwm25: ... bet you're wondering now, where you found the time for paid work.

14th October 2019, 13:31
i thought when i retired early and came to Philippines that i was going to have an easy lazy time, but me too always being busy building ect, in fact think i am more busy than i was when working in UK :Erm:

14th October 2019, 14:20
Hopefully keeping busy and 'exercised' will also help us live a bit longer and stay fitter. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th October 2019, 02:30
i thought when i retired early and came to Philippines that i was going to have an easy lazy time, but me too always being busy building ect, in fact think i am more busy than i was when working in UK :Erm:

Me too... Never ends!

15th October 2019, 15:35
Hopefully keeping busy and 'exercised' will also help us live a bit longer and stay fitter. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

it should do, physical and mental exercise has got to be good at any age:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2019, 19:49
Thanks for the replies boys,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th October 2019, 03:16