View Full Version : Oh Dear, Wouldn't It Be Nice If ...

Arthur Little
31st March 2020, 16:22
... instead of the constant sad statistics about the numbers who are being struck down on a daily basis by this Covid-19 scourge :icon_rolleyes:, we were to read and/or hear a bit more about its very many survivors?!?

Arthur Little
31st March 2020, 16:52
I wonder, :cwm25: ... who else on here, like me, keeps getting black boxes popping up at the bottom right-hand corner of their screen, reporting the latest number of deaths in the UK. Blinkin' :cwm24: annoying, not to mention scary.

31st March 2020, 23:04
Well you can get all the details you want to see here Arthur. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/)

1st April 2020, 02:21
No cases or deaths here in Bohol or likely to be as the province is in 100% lock down from outsiders. All locals are under going very strict at home quarantine procedure.
The Governor here obviously did not agree with the ever so clever UK Scientists and their highly paid experts spouting about their "Herd immunity" theory.
Tut tut.

Michael Parnham
1st April 2020, 06:28
Singapore shoot those that don't abide to social distancing, no one shot yet:NoNo:

Arthur Little
1st April 2020, 17:16
Well you can get all the details you want to see here Arthur. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/)

Yes, these are global figures, though, Rayna ... for which, I :thankyou: But, :Britain:'s media keep acting like "prophets of doom" :doh - rather than cheering readers up - with its coverage:-

https://www.metro.co.uk/2020/04/01/times-tough-harder-times-ahead-us-coronavirus-12494431/?ico=pushly-notification-small&utm_source=pushly ... :ReadIt:


2nd April 2020, 12:38
This girl is very smart and she makes a lot of sense to me.. In all honesty, I fear for her safety.


2nd April 2020, 14:27
Iv known a lot of what she says for a long time, and especialy whats happening now , we are being conned by the powers that be, i realy think this is the end of the world as we know it

3rd April 2020, 01:14
Iv known a lot of what she says for a long time, and especialy whats happening now , we are being conned by the powers that be, i realy think this is the end of the world as we know it

What worries me is this WHO organisation and the dreaded compulsory vaccine they have ready to administer.
Might bring my apocalypse underground bunker project forward.:cwm25:

3rd April 2020, 13:29
What worries me is this WHO organisation and the dreaded compulsory vaccine they have ready to administer.
Might bring my apocalypse underground bunker project forward.:cwm25:

perhaps there are powers above the goverments

Arthur Little
3rd April 2020, 13:37
Iv known a lot of what she says for a long time, and especialy whats happening now , we are being conned by the powers that be, i realy think this is the end of the world as we know it

..................................... :gp:, Stewart ... you could~well be right! :bigcry:

Arthur Little
3rd April 2020, 13:46
perhaps there are powers above the goverments

Mmm ... :iagree: ... Satan :devil:, perhaps.

Arthur Little
6th April 2020, 12:49
:biggrin: ... Betcha Jehovah "Witlesses" are having a sly wee chuckle :Giggler: to themselves:

"WE kept telling the world :Blacklistnonono: the 'end was nigh', didn't we"!?!

6th April 2020, 22:55
All the jesus freaks are jumping up and down.:smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile:

Harry T
7th April 2020, 08:27
... instead of the constant sad statistics about the numbers who are being struck down on a daily basis by this Covid-19 scourge :icon_rolleyes:, we were to read and/or hear a bit more about its very many survivors?!?

Arthur, You should know by now Good news is No news, all the news Channels prefer to sensationalise bad news, hence all the coverage of Boris being admitted, incidentally i hope him and everyone else that gets this horrid virus makes a full and speedy recovery.. Stay well, stay safe everyone.

7th April 2020, 12:19
perhaps there are powers above the goverments

The Illuminati?

7th April 2020, 13:07
perhaps there are powers above the goverments

The Illuminati?

:yeahthat:, or maybe its only a plan from china, a way to ruin the worlds economy and while they struggle in the virus china is recovered and well ahead economicaly before anyone else is, buying cheap to sell dear, Philppines for example have loans or investments whatever its chinas money thta been paying for all the road improvements here ect, now philippines will become broke because of the virus, how the hell will they ever pay back, and the way to own a country is to have it in debt with you, how many more countrys are in or will be in debt too with china, a pretty good plan i would say, how to gain power and dominate without war

7th April 2020, 13:12
Curfew here in Tagum now 6pm to 6am :omg::omg::omg::omg::omg::omg: Will be climbing the walls before long :smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile:

7th April 2020, 13:24
All the jesus freaks are jumping up and down.:smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile:

Shame they don't know about science. It's true whether you believe in it or not.

7th April 2020, 13:48
Arthur, You should know by now Good news is No news, all the news Channels prefer to sensationalise bad news, hence all the coverage of Boris being admitted,

That's the only good news there has been

7th April 2020, 15:49