View Full Version : 'Zen & Now'

Arthur Little
15th May 2020, 13:41
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/may/15/dont-pretend-these-arent-dark-times-acceptance-can-be-bracing ... :ReadIt:

Interesting article! But ... :cwm25: ... will we really be better-able to control our lives if we stop striving for the impossible?

Arthur Little
16th May 2020, 19:45
:yeahthat: might appear an odd sort of title for a thread ... :anerikke: ... at first glance. But there's a moral in there - a lesson to be learnt from mistakes of the past. It also provided me with ANOTHER unique opportunity for a little bit of wordplay:

"Zen" in lieu of "then" & now! :wink: