View Full Version : Furore Over "Cummings & Goings" Of Government's Chief Political Strategist

Arthur Little
23rd May 2020, 23:51
It would appear senior Cabinet members have closed ranks by making :lame: excuses on behalf of "heid bummer", Dominic Cummings who twice drove :transam-front-ramai 250 miles from London to his parents' residence
in Durham - and return - in breach of lockdown guidelines.

http://www.metro.co.uk/2020/05/23/dominic-cummings-broke-lockdown-driving--see-parents-second-time-12749234/ ... :ReadIt:

One rule for them ... :anerikke: ... and ANOTHER for us plebs!

Arthur Little
24th May 2020, 14:06
Seems as though :Britain:'s Sunday media en masse has since got its teeth :biggrin: into that ^ story. :cwm24:

:poke: ... let's, therefore, spend 'a little' time taking more than a cursory glance through a few (earlier) - truly heart:heartshape1:warming - tales of folk pulling together by helping each other during the pandemic. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Here we go:

https://www.metro.co.uk/2020/05/19/pulling-together-12720069 ... :cwm25: ... worthwhile wasn't it!?! :wink:

Arthur Little
24th May 2020, 20:42
Wtf? :cwm3:

https://www.metro.co.uk/2020/05/24/petition-cummings-sacked-reaches-76000-signatures-one-day-12751309/ ... actually, the number of signatories calling for the top aide's sacking has increased to 89,000 at the last count.

:icon_rolleyes: ... tbh, who cares? All that most folk want is to see an end to this :censored: plague - and the swiftest possible return to normal,

24th May 2020, 22:00
The press are getting pathetic these days. :cwm23::cwm23::cwm23:

Michael Parnham
25th May 2020, 06:13
Seems as though :Britain:'s Sunday media en masse has since got its teeth :biggrin: into that ^ story. :cwm24:

:poke: ... let's, therefore, spend 'a little' time taking more than a cursory glance through a few (earlier) - truly heart:heartshape1:warming - tales of folk pulling together by helping each other during the pandemic. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Here we go:

https://www.metro.co.uk/2020/05/19/pulling-together-12720069 ... :cwm25: ... worthwhile wasn't it!?! :wink:

Nice one Arthur:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
26th May 2020, 18:51
And so this saga continues ...


:yeahthat: beleaguered cop's picture - top left of the page - really does say it all! :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
28th May 2020, 11:51
And so this saga continues ...


:yeahthat: beleaguered cop's picture - top left of the page - really does say it all! :icon_lol:

This issue should be dropped now, as for some of the public looking for any excuse to do what they want should have more sense than to put themselves in a life threatening position Arthur haven't they got a brain.:doh

Arthur Little
29th May 2020, 00:16
This issue should be dropped now.

You are correct up to a point, Michael ... in the sense it's becoming rather boring.

as for some of the public looking for any excuse to do what they want should have more sense than to put themselves in a life threatening position Arthur

Including the offender ... in this instance.

haven't they got a brain?

You have to wonder sometimes ... :iagree:!

Arthur Little
14th November 2020, 00:08
Ah well, Cummings has finally gone :Wave: ... as has Lee Cain, Boris's Director of Communications.

15th November 2020, 01:35
It would be better to hear POSITIVE news about GOOD people arriving on the Government team.

Rather than NEGATIVE news about GOOD people being sacked from the team due to wishes of the PM's Fiancee.


Arthur Little
15th November 2020, 21:22
It would be better to hear POSITIVE news about GOOD people arriving on the Government team.

Rather than NEGATIVE news about GOOD people being sacked from the team due to wishes of the PM's Fiancee.


:gp:s ... breach government guidelines during lockdown - then "get away with it" ... :anerikke: ... so what? Disagree, tho' with the PM's bidey-in at your peril, it seems!