View Full Version : Notable Anti~Arthritis Drug May Save Lives Of Coronavirus Patients

Arthur Little
16th June 2020, 22:45
:yeahthat:, presently, IS THE BEST International News available!

https://www.newscientist.com/article/2237475-covid-19-news-dexamerhesone-drug-saves-lives-of-coronavirus-patients/... :ReadIt:

It is claimed to be capable of cutting the 'risk of death' rate - by up to a third - in ventilated Covid-19 patients. :Jump:

17th June 2020, 21:23
Whatever happened to Hydroxychloroquine?

Arthur Little
18th June 2020, 22:23
Whatever happened to Hydroxychloroquine?

:iagree:, Hydroxychloroquine is also an anti~rheumatic compound, :gp:; undoubtedly, tho' ... :anerikke: ... only a qualified medical expert and/or pharmacologist would be in a position to accurately guage the effectiveness of either drug in this unprecedented situation.