View Full Version : Cautious Optimism Courtesy Of Facebook Friends

Arthur Little
2nd July 2020, 17:42
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10222640793233198&set=a.1822215039827 ... :ReadIt:

:yeahthat: particular link originally appeared as an adjunct to an earlier thread of mine ... :cwm25: ... when, in fact, its content sums up the reality beautifully, and I'd since felt merited a thread of its own - before vanishing into "the blue yonder" :wink: where the few articles we do receive nowadays (other than daily peso updates) seem to head all too quickly!

Arthur Little
3rd July 2020, 12:25
Anyhow ... :anerikke: ... at least I, myself, found FB's caption both humorous - and very apt. :smile:

Arthur Little
4th July 2020, 19:26
:cwm23: ... damned thing's happened again - thread taken off the mainstream without even a single reply :icon_rolleyes: - so one can only surmise some of those whose names are listed underneath, either don't, never have done or may no longer subscribe to facebook, while others simply did not find the irony of the topic funny. :bigcry:

6th July 2020, 01:50
Some people don't want to post 'likes' on Facebook 'open' topics Arthur.

I always keep my Facebook activity strictly amongst my 'friends' only group.

Don't take it personally mate. :wink:

Arthur Little
8th July 2020, 19:22
Some people don't want to post 'likes' on Facebook 'open' topics Arthur.

Ahh ... thing IS, though, the witticism wasn't even mine to begin with. :nono-1-1: ... it'd appeared on facebook and, as I'd explained in my opening post, I felt it [I]worthy of sharing on here because of its relevance to how the long~suffering public's being forced to "soldier~on" through this god~awful :cwm24: pandemic.

I always keep my Facebook activity strictly amongst my 'friends' only group.

Quite right, :iagree:; in normal circumstances. But in this case there was nowt to be secretive about. :NoNo:

Don't take it personally mate. :wink:

No worries, Graham. :biggrin:

14th July 2020, 14:38
Okay Arthur. :xxgrinning--00xx3: