View Full Version : Anti-Government Backlash Over Beirut City Devastation

Arthur Little
6th August 2020, 15:15
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8599127/Anger-mounts-against-Lebanons-government-following-Beirut-blast.html ... :ReadIt:

Official figures reveal that at least 137 people were killed, 5,000 seriously wounded + thousands more either
missing or otherwise unaccounted for, following Monday's horrific blast in the Lebanese Capital, the impact of which was reported to've been felt as far away as BOTH Cyprus & Israel.

Widespread anger :cwm23: has since erupted against State corruption ... :anerikke: ... in spite of a *pledge to track down those responsible being decreed by the person at the very helm of government, viz- the *Prime Minister.

Arthur Little
7th August 2020, 18:51
Terribly tragic ... :cwm25: ... in an already troubled land, forbye! :bigcry:

Arthur Little
9th August 2020, 17:16
Seemingly the death toll from Tuesday's disaster - not Monday's as I'd inadvertently reported,:icon_sorry: - has risen to 157 ... with street rioting and God alone knows :icon_rolleyes: how many folk left homeless at the most recent count:

https://en.as.com/en/2020/08/09/latest_news/1596961510_293990.html :NoNo: