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Arthur Little
31st August 2020, 10:33
These suggest Covid-19 could kill 85,000 people across the UK alone this winter in a worst case scenario, :omg:!

:yeahthat:'s according to the latest 'Sage' Report :cwm24:

https://www.metro.co.uk/2020/08/29/coronavirus-uk-uk-see-8500-additional-deaths-winter-leaked-sage-report-13196209/ ... :ReadIt:

2nd September 2020, 15:18
Not sure if I believe half of these figures Arthur . :NoNo:

Is it really much worse than the 'normal' annual flu deaths ?

I know I'm not in the UK now, but it strikes me that most of the folk succumbing to this are already weakened by being obese or having other weakening conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, etc. :anerikke: Often multiple conditions....and just plain old age.

Arthur Little
3rd September 2020, 16:30
Not sure if I believe half of these figures Arthur . :NoNo:

Nor me, Graham :Brick: ... smacks of scaremongering!

Is it really much worse than the 'normal' annual flu deaths ?


I know I'm not in the UK now, but it strikes me that most of the folk succumbing to this are already weakened by being obese or having other weakening conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, etc. :anerikke: Often multiple conditions....and just plain old age.

ANY/ALL of such ^ pre-existing health conditions, :iagree:!

Arthur Little
22nd September 2020, 17:20
Nor me, Graham :Brick: ... smacks of scaremongering!

Mind you ... :cwm25: ... the way things have been going since, there's now every reason for becoming scared.

6th October 2020, 01:07
Us older ones definitely need to watch out for ourselves, that's for sure Arthur. Keep away from crowded places, etc, when we don't really need to be there. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th October 2020, 22:52
When to the beach the other day to be greeted by a sign NO SENIOR ffs. I am fed up with this now, still cant go to the mall or City Hardware. Now into the 7th month and bored out of my skull.:cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23:

8th October 2020, 02:24
I'm starting to feel the same way.

If it wasn't for Lazada online shopping (and window-shopping), plus being able to go walking in the beautiful countryside around here....would probably have gone nuts.

I do miss going to the beach too... which is only 7 miles away from us, as well as the many family and local community social occasions. :cwm3:

9th October 2020, 01:25
I've found myself a decent walk here in Leeds, 2.3 miles, half parkland half roads, no major road crossings to delay me.
My last timing was 34 minutes, that's 4.1 mph.
I need that to warm me up, I have lost 30 kilos in 7 months and my metabolism seems to have shut down.

12th October 2020, 11:41
Oh, I know Leeds very well (being a Pontefract lad originally, before moving on to York at age 15).

I always end up thin as a rake after a while in the Phils. Must sweat it of I reckon.

Not missing that cold weather in the UK at the moment though, and of course coming up to the most pleasant time of the year here in the Phils, weather-wise.

Anyway, enjoy the walks in the clean cool air of lovely Leeds. Wish I could just pop into Asda on York Road. :Erm: Ah well. :wink: