View Full Version : Guide To Availability Of Vaccine Breakthroughs

Arthur Little
3rd December 2020, 15:36
It is understood 40 million doses of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine will be rolled~out here in :Britain: from next week onwards ...! :Jump:

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/covid-19-vaccine-moderna-oxford-pfizer-when-coronavirus/ ... :ReadIt:

Others mentioned therein :yeahthat: should follow in due course ... hopefully, :pray:

4th December 2020, 00:34
It's a good start, and nice to know that UK vaccination might start very soon.

There is still too much contradictory "information" about Vaccination passports. They make good sense to me, especially if they make it easier to board a flight, enter a foreign country without quarantine, or even enter a pub for a pint. Can you still remember the pubs?

I expect that the Philippines will be a long way behind the UK, it seems to be the middle of next year before there is much hope of vaccination.

Michael Parnham
4th December 2020, 16:33
Had a text last wednesday asking if I would like a vaccination, my reply was YES. just waiting for my appointment now :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th December 2020, 18:13
The more sheep that take this ..... vaccine, the safer is is for me and mine! Thanks guys!
Bahala Ka Dyan!

4th December 2020, 22:26
Had a text last wednesday asking if I would like a vaccination, my reply was YES. just waiting for my appointment now :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I had a text last Friday asking me if I would like a FLU vaccination. Still not decided if I can be bothered.

Arthur Little
5th December 2020, 12:16
Frankly, ... :anerikke: ... I think that after more than nine months of tough restrictions, most folk will be only too grateful to take advantage of [almost] ANYTHING that offers a 94-95% chance of a return to normality.

Arthur Little
6th December 2020, 19:10
I had a text last Friday asking me if I would like a FLU vaccination. Still not decided if I can be bothered.

Hmm ................................................................:poke:... this winter especially, all people aged 65 and over - and those with underlying health conditions - will be well~advised to avail themselves of their seasonal 'flu inoculation! :biggrin:

7th December 2020, 11:13
I still have my vaccination card/'passport', from the 1950s (before heading off to Singapore, to join my dad).

They are nothing new, and make a lot of sense. (We've had them for pet animals for quite a while too).

I just hope people don't start 'faking' them, and screwing it up for the honest majority. :mad:

Not something to be taken lightly.

7th December 2020, 14:38
My Mother was offered the miracle thalidomide pill before I was born..
Fortunately for me, she declined.
If people want to take this new rushed through un proven vaccine then thats fine with me.
Personally, I will opt out and encourage my Kids to do the same.

8th December 2020, 02:00
Hmm ................................................................:poke:... this winter especially, all people aged 65 and over - and those with underlying health conditions - will be well~advised to avail themselves of their seasonal 'flu inoculation! :biggrin:
Got my flu jab booked for high noon tomorrow.

The best injection I ever had was a Yellow Fever injection when I was in Panama.

The nurse was a very petite Hispanic lady, black as the ace of spades, unable to speak a word of English and babbling incessantly in Spanish.

She moved in like a hummingbird, one quick stab and it was over.

Arthur Little
22nd January 2021, 16:16
N.B. For those fond of a tipple, consumption of alcohol :66::Wine::party-smiley-012: - from the time of receiving the vaccine - is most strongly discouraged on medical & scientific advice ... until at least 3 full days' have passed!
