View Full Version : Captain Tom Moore

Arthur Little
2nd February 2021, 18:42
Ironically the WWII hero - who was recently knighted for his valiant fund~raising efforts :olddude: to support the NHS in the run-up to his centenary year during the covid crisis - has, himself, succumbed to the disease! :bigcry:

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/breaking-captain-sir-tom-moore-22052067 ... :ReadIt:

"Well done, thy good and faithful sevant" ... RIP!

2nd February 2021, 23:35
Good grief.

Did the poor Gentleman get infected whilst receiving hospital treatment for his Pneumonia?

Seemingly the 33 million quid he raised has all been squandered on:

Snacks for staff in County Durham
Pop-up shops in the capital
Space to relax in Scotland
Tea breaks in North Wales

(Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52758683)

RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore.