View Full Version : Pros & Cons Of Covid Passports

Arthur Little
7th April 2021, 16:31
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/apr/07/covid-passports-good-idea-government-damaging ... :ReadIt:

Coud they become counter-productive? :cwm25: What do forum members believe?

7th April 2021, 18:11
They should be available for those that want them.

Visiting a dentist or optician I would be more than happy to show that I have been vaccinated if it sets them at ease and allows a more relaxed maskless visit.

Smaller bars might not have enough space for socially distanced tables, the lack of trade would put them out of business. Requiring a Covid passport could be an alternative to social distancing, the decision should remain with the business owner.

I think that day to day mask-wearing, social distancing, and track and trace are going to be with us for some significant time. A Covid passport could allow relaxation of the rules in certain situations.