View Full Version : Old Habits Really DO Die Hard

Arthur Little
11th April 2021, 01:09
AMAZING how many of us [and I'm one] would much prefer to "stick with tradition" ... :anerikke: ... whether it be something we've grown-up with and become accustomed to, therefore something we have always done, or just something we're most comfortable with - even tho' these customs are invariably no longer de rigueur! :wink:

Michael Parnham
12th April 2021, 11:40
AMAZING how many of us [and I'm one] would much prefer to "stick with tradition" ... :anerikke: ... whether it be something we've grown-up with and become accustomed to, therefore something we have always done, or just something we're most comfortable with - even tho' these customs are invariably no longer de rigueur! :wink:

I agree Arthur, here here :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th April 2021, 11:45
I agree Arthur, here here :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Where, where :Erm:

Very common mistake Michael, it's actually Hear Hear as in say it again and I'll listen again :xxgrinning--00xx3: