View Full Version : This May On Track To Be Wettest On Record

Arthur Little
24th May 2021, 13:58
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/may/21/uk-weather-may-on-track-to-be-wettest-on-record-with-more-rain-to-come ... :ReadIt:

I can well-believe that :doh!

Shame, really, after such beautifully~mild, Spring-like weather during March & April.

And there's even more :raining: to come!

Arthur Little
24th May 2021, 14:31
:freezin:, too, :thumbsdown: ... for the time of year, brr!

24th May 2021, 23:01
After reading the linked article, I guess you are happy to be in Scotland rather than in Wales.

My problem is the cold, I am really struggling with it this year, I never needed to wear pullovers before.