View Full Version : Scene As Hundreds Join Anti-Vaccination Protest In Central London

Arthur Little
31st May 2021, 12:16

Hmm, :icon_rolleyes: ... more fool them, I say.

31st May 2021, 15:20
Good for them I say!!
Standing up for the freedom`s that 1000`s of young British men died for that I love and respect so dearly.
Unlike the sad Sheep wimps that lock their lives away like scared children with bad parents imprisoned in their living rooms or basements watching Good morning Britain day in day out because of a scamdemic.
UK is f@Ked IMO...Very sad.

31st May 2021, 15:51

Hmm, :icon_rolleyes: ... more fool them, I say.

You're right there Arthur, no one is forcing them to have a vaccine. I know someone who has died of Covid and someone who was in hospital for 6 months, 5 months in a induced coma, to suggest it's fake is :crazy:

as for restrictions, what restrictions ? virtually everything is now open. Unlike in the Philippines I've never been stopped by Police asking for a pass to travel to another town or city.

you only have to look at who's in the crowd 'nutritionist Gillian McKeith'. didn't she get into a bit of bother calling herself a doctor ? :laugher:

31st May 2021, 16:00
MSM lying their asses off again.. Why??
More like 10`s of 1000`s!!


31st May 2021, 16:08
as for restrictions, what restrictions ? virtually everything is now open. unlike in the Philippines I've never been stopped by Police asking for a pass to travel to another town or city.

Don`t believe every thing you see or read on the BBC Joe..
We live in almost total freedom here unless we visit the town center..(Which I do not) Everywhere else is open..
I can go to a bar tomorrow thats just round the corner,eat a hamburger and chips and 10 ice cold SMB`s and no one says one word if I aint wearing a mask or not!!
Dont worry..Be happy!

31st May 2021, 16:23
MSM lying their asses off again.. Why??
More like 10`s of 1000`s!!


nearly 40,000,000 people in the UK have chosen to have a Covid vaccine, now over 30's can get the vaccine too.

so maybe you right 1000s or 100,000s are protesting against it, but many millions have decided what's best for them and had the vaccine and the figures show it's been a great success in the end

I could post and link to many news articles about people who said it was all fake and a hoax and now those people are dead.


31st May 2021, 16:32
nearly 40,000,000 people in the UK have chosen to have a Covid vaccine, now over 30's can get the vaccine too.

so maybe you right 1000s or 100,000s are protesting against it, but many millions have decided what's best for them and had the vaccine and the figures show it's been a great success in the end

I could post and link to many news articles about people who said it was all fake and a hoax and now those people are dead.


If the numbers they quote are true then why are they so worried about such a small minority that like me do not want their poison pumped into us?
Once vaccinated and still wearing masks,what danger are us few deniers to you?
Why would they ban us from free travel once you are all safe from us covid science deniers?

31st May 2021, 16:34
Don`t believe every thing you see or read on the BBC Joe..
We live in almost total freedom here unless we visit the town center..(Which I do not) Everywhere else is open..
I can go to a bar tomorrow thats just round the corner,eat a hamburger and chips and 10 ice cold SMB`s and no one says one word if I aint wearing a mask or not!!
Dont worry..Be happy!

Not on the beeb Fred, I don't watch it, but I do watch some expats on Youtube in the Phils and I've seen how they needed passes or papers to move around, only one person can go to the shops at a time, they've been told to turn around and go back. Maybe the part of the Phils you're in you can get away without wearing a mask and go to a bar. Same here thou at the corner shop hardly anyone wears a mask.

But I've seen many places in the Phils where you need to wear a mask and many places, bars etc are still shut.

31st May 2021, 16:40
If the numbers they quote are true then why are they so worried about such a small minority that like me do not want their poison pumped into us?
Once vaccinated and still wearing masks,what danger are us few deniers to you?
Why would they ban us from free travel once you are all safe from us covid science deniers?

Who is making you take the jab ? No one is, where are you getting this from ?

The mask is to stop it spreading, after all most Asian countries wear masks. If I get covid now there is a good chance I will not end up in hospital.

31st May 2021, 16:47
Not on the beeb Fred, I don't watch it, but I do watch some expats on Youtube in the Phils and I've seen how they needed passes or papers to move around, only one person can go to the shops at a time, they've been told to turn around and go back. Maybe the part of the Phils you're in you can get away without wearing a mask and go to a bar. Same here thou at the corner shop hardly anyone wears a mask.

But I've seen many places in the Phils where you need to wear a mask and many places, bars etc are still shut.

Not here where we live.. Wearing masks and face shields where we are is a massive charade for shopping malls etc that have to look at least like they are conforming.
On our island there is ZERO police enforcement of Covid laws that I have experienced personally.
I did go into Tagbilaran once last month and filled in the so called "contact tracing slip"..
I wrote upon it it my name.. Ronald Macdonald. Address.. McDonalds,BQ Mall Tagbilaran.
Like I said.. Big Charade and waste of time.

31st May 2021, 16:57
who is making you take the jab ? no one is, where you getting this from ?

The mask is to stop it spreading, after all most Asian countries wear masks. If I get covid now there is a good chance I will not end up in hospital.

We are being told that if we do not accept participation in their mass vaccination program, then we might not be allowed to travel on an international bound airplane.
Probably just as well I have absolutely no wish to return to the UK!!
BTW... Masks are an absolute waste of time..Not only do they harbour disgusting bacteria,which you continue to breath in whilst wearing one,they also severely restrict the amount or Oxygen they allow us to intake.
I cannot wear one for any longer than 5 minutes.. I know..I tried it once.
Bad,bad bad!

Michael Parnham
31st May 2021, 18:38
Nothing to lose by having the vaccines, in fact everything to gain :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
31st May 2021, 18:45
I had my first Flu jab last October and the reason I had it was because I didn't know until last October that Flu could cause death. I had Flu when I was 50 years of age and at that time I just thought Flu was a heavy cold, no one ever told me how serious Flu is. :Erm:

1st June 2021, 00:58
Nothing to lose by having the vaccines, in fact everything to gain :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You exercised your freedom to choose.
Congratulations Michael.

1st June 2021, 05:34
How predictable..
After all,it`s a never ending virus with many different variants from 3rd world countries caused by pumping out vaccinations during a pandemic.
Will the Government keep paying you guys to sit on your asses all day??
Where do they get all that money from again??

COVID-19: 'Significant chance' 21 June date for ending lockdown could change, government adviser warn

There is a "significant chance" the government's target of lifting remaining lockdown restrictions from 21 June will change, a government adviser has told Sky News.
Professor Adam Finn, a member of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), cast doubt on whether Prime Minister Boris Johnson (https://news.sky.com/topic/boris-johnson-5853) will be able to proceed with his timetable for easing COVID (https://news.sky.com/topic/covid-19-8518) rules as planned.

Arthur Little
1st June 2021, 15:38
You're right there Arthur, no one is forcing them to have a vaccine. I know someone who has died of Covid and someone who was in hospital for 6 months, 5 months in a induced coma, to suggest it's fake is :crazy:

you only have to look at who's in the crowd 'nutritionist Gillian McKeith'. didn't she get into a bit of bother calling herself a doctor ? :laugher:

Joe ... :68711_thanx: Being married to a proper, doubly~qualified medical practitioner, you'll know - better than most - :yeahthat: the efficacy of the vaccines on offer is beyond reasonable doubt AND makes sense!

1st June 2021, 19:05
Joe ... :68711_thanx: Being married to a proper, doubly~qualified medical practitioner, you'll know - better than most - :yeahthat: the efficacy of the vaccines on offer is beyond reasonable doubt AND makes sense!

My wife works in A&E and has admitted many patients with covid over the last year but she doesn't work on the wards that have covid patients. those nurses and doctors have risked their lives to treat the covid patients, many are Filipina\Filipino nurses and many have paid with their life :NoNo:

I just can't understand how some people think Covid is not deadly when 150,000 in the UK have died because of it.


and some of those who died in the Philippines


2nd June 2021, 00:42
I just can't understand how some people think Covid is not deadly when 150,000 in the UK have died because of it.


2nd June 2021, 01:24
I see China reports first human case of bird flu strain H10N3 in world...Wonder how many strains they can invent for this one!

2nd June 2021, 01:46
Look at the state of this! lol
Is this what you watch locked in your living rooms over there?




2nd June 2021, 07:19
I don't think anyone watches it since Morgan got sacked or quit. I never watched it anyway :thumbsdown:

how can you ditch unvaccinated friends when nearly every adult has or will be vaccinated soon, except those :crazy: anti-vac protestors

Arthur Little
2nd June 2021, 11:25
My wife works in A&E and has admitted many patients with covid over the last year but she doesn't work on the wards that have covid patients. those nurses and doctors have risked their lives to treat the covid patients, many are Filipina\Filipino nurses and many have paid with their life :NoNo:

I just can't understand how some people think Covid is not deadly when 150,000 in the UK have died because of it.

Although she doesn't work on the wards, it's NHS staff like your missus and her colleagues who are the covid (and other) patients' first point of contact ... for which we've every cause to feel thankful. Thanks too, for your much-valued support as well as the rep given to me for this thread, Joe. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
2nd June 2021, 15:24
Nothing to lose by having the vaccines, in fact everything to gain :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Absolutely ... :iagree:!

2nd June 2021, 23:27
Absolutely ... :iagree:!
I agree.

I have had my two jabs already, and am quite happy to go for a booster jab later this year if it is recommended.

No pain or after-effects, I quite enjoyed having a nice chat with the nurse.

The vast majority of people in the UK want to be vaccinated ASAP so we can wipe out this pandemic, 75% of adults have already had the first jab, and 50% have had two jabs.

I wonder what the protesters will be protesting against next week.

2nd June 2021, 23:35
Meanwhile, in the Philippines, just over 2% of the population has been vaccinated.
Julie tells me that her Father and Sister, both frontline workers, do not want the vaccine. :doh

3rd June 2021, 00:39
Meanwhile, in the Philippines, just over 2% of the population has been vaccinated.
Julie tells me that her Father and Sister, both frontline workers, do not want the vaccine. :doh

Couple of my mates here had first jab for free at the local health clinic..Seems about 100 foreigners here have had it in the last few days.. First time in my life I have heard of foreigner's here getting anything from the government for free.
Very strange.
I asked them to show me what evidence they were given for receiving the jab..A registration card that was produced with a photo copier and filled in with a red ink pen.
There may be hope for those of us that do not want this experimental cocktail in us after all.

3rd June 2021, 01:42
Go for it Fred, get your vaccination.

The vaccination card will be recognised locally for medical purposes at least.

3rd June 2021, 01:56
I see a well known anti vaxxa in America is in hospital with covid.

3rd June 2021, 03:17
Go for it Fred, get your vaccination.

The vaccination card will be recognised locally for medical purposes at least.

I have to wait till they get their second shot and show me what their final evidence of vaccination is..
They reckon it will be the same photo copied card they have now but amended with a red pen.. Incredible if true.
I will check the health clinic to see how they store the data before I make my next move..
We will avoid the shot at all costs..All we may need are those dodgy looking registration cards.
My biggest fear is that we are guardians to 2 young kids whom it is our responsibility to protect.

3rd June 2021, 04:02
Good to see the American constitutionalists start to legally fight for the rights their forefathers fought, died for and guaranteed to them.


3rd June 2021, 08:14
Meanwhile back in the UK according to the BBC.

Covid-19: UK in early stages of third wave - scientist
There are signs the UK is in the early stages of a third wave of coronavirus infections, a scientist advising the government has said.

Prof Ravi Gupta, from the University of Cambridge, said although new cases were "relatively low" the Indian variant had fuelled "exponential growth".

He said ending Covid restrictions in England on 21 June should be postponed.
