View Full Version : How do I meet a nice Filipino in the UK?

30th January 2008, 18:36
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for any help on groups or whatever, that organize Filipino events in the UK..... Festivals and home parties etc. I know there are 10,000's in the UK

But where are you all hiding? :Erm:

Just to introduce myself, I am new on here, a young 52 yr old guy, well travelled, own business, love the Philippines and the culture but had a bad experience recently.

Currently, seperated from my filipino wife, pending divorce very soon.
WHY? She had an affair with her driving instructor and is now pregnant by him!!! That is why. :ARsurrender:

Really want to meet an honest and faithful Filipino, to settle down with, share life with, I know most are really faithful, I suppose i was just unlucky.


30th January 2008, 19:16
Just leave some dried fish outside your front door.....that should attract a few :xxparty-smiley-004:

30th January 2008, 19:28
so, did she.. :transam-front-ramai pass? :ARsurrender:

30th January 2008, 19:39
so, did she.. :transam-front-ramai pass? :ARsurrender:

:NoNo: :doh

well would not have been possible for that to happen with my wife, she only used women driving instructors :rolleyes:

mind you thou took her long time to pass :yikes:


sorry for you thou ..

30th January 2008, 19:46
Hello Asiapt

I have to say I am sorry to hear about your story, you must be devastated mate, to find your wife has got into a relationship with a driving instructor.

I presume you are divorcing her on the grounds of adultery, hmmmm its a shame your wife is not in the Republic of Philippines, where you would be in your rights to have her temporarily jailed for gross scandalous sexual conduct, adultery is punishable by up to 7 years imprisonment, however I assume she is in UK.

Just a thought..... in answer to your question, my advice is to not look for a girl in the UK, I have my reasons for advising this, of course you can look around various Filipino gatherings, but you have to do some traveling around to find one.

I don't know how you met your soon to be ex wife, but perhaps you might consider going back on the net and start dating a new girl, why should you n ot ?

Go on mate, don't take what happened as the end of it all, its a bad experience that is true, but once you have got over it, and believe me, once you meet a lovely young lady, you will soon be glad you moved on, if she is pregnant by some guy she met out driving, she has the shame mate, not you, she will be the one who will be shunned by her community, I bet she is lacking in friends right now.

I have hard of a similar story like this recently, trust me, its not the end of the world, start afresh, go back on FH or CB or AE or other sites, and find someone new, you might even enjoy the experience of it, and tell the interested girls the truth, don't hide it.

and just to finish you said you are unlucky...

Trust me mate, this is virtually unheard of - you are extremely unlucky, but you are not the first foreigner this has happned to..and I am sure not the last. Shake off the monkey, and start again.

Best of Luck, we are here to help.

30th January 2008, 19:53
well said pete im sorry to about your bad news how long did you know your wife were you meet her how long she been i uk was she young as pete said best to meet on internet not in uk

30th January 2008, 19:58
Thanks Winner for backing me up, I feel for this guy, I don't care what this guys marriage was like, for a Filipina to go and get pregnant by a man other than her husband is a great shame, and well she knows it.

In the Philippines, this also happens to Filipino's not just foreigners, my Gina just told me it happens to Filipino nationals also, its not that her husband is a foreigner, she has engaged in a stupid adulterous affair that has a 90 per cent chance of going pear shaped anyway, once he gets stuck with a kid, she might even end up on her own.

Well anyway, thats her funeral, I just hope this guy can move on and put it behind him, and their is not shame on him, only on her, I wish him well.

30th January 2008, 20:53
Wow, I wish my cheating ex-wife was banged up for 7 years for adultery!!!
How do we get that law here in the UK?

30th January 2008, 20:59
Wow, I wish my cheating ex-wife was banged up for 7 years for adultery!!!
How do we get that law here in the UK?

Might take a while we are still figuring out if we should jail murderers & rapists :rolleyes:

30th January 2008, 21:25
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for any help on groups or whatever, that organize Filipino events in the UK..... Festivals and home parties etc. I know there are 10,000's in the UK

But where are you all hiding? :Erm:

Just to introduce myself, I am new on here, a young 52 yr old guy, well travelled, own business, love the Philippines and the culture but had a bad experience recently.

Currently, seperated from my filipino wife, pending divorce very soon.
WHY? She had an affair with her driving instructor and is now pregnant by him!!! That is why. :ARsurrender:

Really want to meet an honest and faithful Filipino, to settle down with, share life with, I know most are really faithful, I suppose i was just unlucky.


Hi Asiapt,

Sorry to hear your sad story, I'm quite surprise after what your filipino wife did to you and you still looking for a filipino lady.

Can I ask why you like Filipino?

I'm sure you will meet your right lady in the right time.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th January 2008, 22:02
Can I ask why you like Filipino?

They fit in a suitcase! :doh

30th January 2008, 22:29
Currently, seperated from my filipino wife, pending divorce very soon.
WHY? She had an affair with her driving instructor and is now pregnant by him!!! That is why. :ARsurrender:


I am 100% in agreement with Pete.

The only thing that I have to add is just a few pence worth of caution....

Make sure that the CSA doesn't start chasing you for Child maintenance if things go pearshaped with the other guy....
After all she will be using your Surname for a long time to come...

good luck in your search for happiness..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st January 2008, 10:00
Don't think he will have to much problem do you with CSA aromulus ? after all he can deny he is the Father, and have her sent for a paternity, that should soon sort out the problem, I think there is nothing more ultimately depressing than the thought of paying child support as a non resident parent for someone else's kid.

31st January 2008, 14:48
Just leave some dried fish outside your front door.....that should attract a few :xxparty-smiley-004:


31st January 2008, 14:58
well i guess some one read your post...and shes gonna write you in private messages....well who knows she will be the right one for you...

wishing to both of you good luck

31st January 2008, 20:49
Thanks for all the positive replies...

Why do I like Filipinos.... well, I just do like most of you all on the site Isuppose

Thanks again

1st February 2008, 00:28
damn! sorry to here about what has happened.

I met some in York a few weeks ago but they refused to talk to me - i think they thought i was trying to chat them up... but i was not

Pepe n Pilar
1st February 2008, 02:37
Hi Asiapt, welcome to the friendly forum. Sorry to hear that news. You're just unlucky to meet that filipino lady but, don't worry there is a lot of nice loving and sincere filipinas. Wish you will meet your dream lady one day soon....

1st February 2008, 04:35
sorry she said she cant send u private msgs yet...coz u are newbie just keep posting....shes so shy type :Erm: not a match maker...trying to help her..:NoNo:...she cant post herself like this as she shy some member will saw her post for you hahaha...:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
well forum members are always trying to help as we could...so im trying to help as i can...:Erm:
hubby i am alright doing this thing hehehe :icon_lol:

1st February 2008, 09:38
So what are your reasons for not looking in the UK Pete?

1st February 2008, 09:55
to all u guys in UK, just be carefull not all Filipinas are good girls... some modern filipinas now are worst than westeners girls... we have lots of nieghbors here in my place that have foriegn partners that are cheaters....mostly are those who have old men partners...sorry guys,but be careful and open your eyes 24/7....

1st February 2008, 10:11
sorry she said she cant send u private msgs yet...coz u are newbie just keep posting....shes so shy type :Erm: not a match maker...trying to help her..:NoNo:...she cant post herself like this as she shy some member will saw her post for you hahaha...:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
well forum members are always trying to help as we could...so im trying to help as i can...:Erm:
hubby i am alright doing this thing hehehe :icon_lol:

Thanks for your efforts Jedc.... yes maybe someone will contact me on here.

I thought I would add, I did meet my last wife on the internet, and then went out to Cebu for 3 months and lived there with her before bringing her home etc. I was 45 and she was 26, was married for 5 years and the first 3-4 yrs were great but when she started going out with her friends a lot and the rot started to set in, her attitude changed and the driving lessons started...

The lessons go back over 1 year so she had plenty of time to get to know the guy :furious3: As soon as I found out they had been sleeping together for 3 months, I told her to get out and go live with him.

That was some 5 months ago now and as "ginapeterb" said... It is already going pear shaped ... but thats her problem now.

I did everything for her, built the house in Cebu, looked after her family, she has the UK passport.... sometimes I just wonder :Cuckoo: was this planned???

Anyway... time to move on and be happy.. so thanks again for all the very understanding and positive posts.

1st February 2008, 11:57
hi as a point of ref i joined Asianfriendfinder.com and eventually met my dream ! ok yes there was a couple of times i got scammed, including the "tranny" (very good looking -apart from the hairy legs :-( ! ...and anything from Ghana and Nigeria and the US was a liar the USA was from Russia !! and i know i am generalising but you have to be quite wise to the cultural differences i met my girl last summer she came with family and friends (bodyguards with guns -scared the **** of me) and i made the mistake of kissing all the girls and my girl last !! and apparently the first kiss is the one you love !! mega **** - up that took some explaining and some tears too................eventually we are 6 months of stress full distance love but it has got stronger and i am going there again very soon cos i cant wait to try the half dead chicken in an egg with the shrimp paste !!!!
thanks adam

1st February 2008, 12:00
ok yes there was a couple of times i got scammed, including the "tranny" thanks adam

Echoes of Barnsley-Mark..........

Where the heck is he gone, anyway....???:Erm:

Couldn't stand the ribbing, I guess....:doh

1st February 2008, 12:03
If you have intention of trying Balut.....

Make sure you have taken a few imodiums before hand.... And you have copious amounts of wet tissue in your pockets.... And the sick bag from the plane at hand....:rolleyes:
But why would anyone with all his wits intact, even consider eating Balut...???:Erm:

1st February 2008, 12:07
ha ha i must be at wits end then , i read last night in the book on phils culture the way to earn family respect was to try the food !! :-)
on the last flight there was no sick bag ...........ahh unless .....oh i thought that was the duty free gift packing !

1st February 2008, 13:08
Asiapt, im glad that you already recover from the pain she made ...dont worry "GOD IS WATCHING" .....and i wish u good luck ...pretty sure ...right girl is coming your way soon :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st February 2008, 13:10
to all u guys in UK, just be carefull not all Filipinas are good girls... some modern filipinas now are worst than westeners girls... we have lots of nieghbors here in my place that have foriegn partners that are cheaters....mostly are those who have old men partners...sorry guys,but be careful and open your eyes 24/7....


1st February 2008, 13:43
to all u guys in UK, just be carefull not all Filipinas are good girls... some modern filipinas now are worst than westeners girls... we have lots of nieghbors here in my place that have foriegn partners that are cheaters....mostly are those who have old men partners...sorry guys,but be careful and open your eyes 24/7....


1st February 2008, 13:46


1st February 2008, 14:19
Echoes of Barnsley-Mark..........

Where the heck is he gone, anyway....???:Erm:

Couldn't stand the ribbing, I guess....:doh

he was planning on going on a cruise with his parents and g/f :yikes: around dec if i remember, until he found out it wasn't a gal, so maybe he went anyway :rolleyes:

when i first meet my misses father, he was telling me about his gun collection :yikes:, and was trying to intimidate me, then told me his daughter was trouble :yikes:


1st February 2008, 14:22
Echoes of Barnsley-Mark..........

Where the heck is he gone, anyway....???:Erm:

Couldn't stand the ribbing, I guess....:doh

if i am not mistaken he is busy with his own world-mymm..the latest news Ive heard is they had a charity work or something in the PI..:Erm::Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd February 2008, 02:15
My brother gave my husband a gun to make me shut up when i start yakking. I said noooo! :icon_lol:

3rd February 2008, 02:33
he was planning on going on a cruise with his parents and g/f :yikes: around dec if i remember, until he found out it wasn't a gal, so maybe he went anyway :rolleyes:

when i first meet my misses father, he was telling me about his gun collection :yikes:, and was trying to intimidate me, then told me his daughter was trouble :yikes:


What with moss side round the corner from you im sure the mention of guns was like water of a ducks back:D