View Full Version : Hello ... again! I feel like a newbie!

5th February 2008, 14:25
Well, this is my first visit to the site for a few months.

Ruby and I arrived safely back in Phils on December 2.

Our wedding is set for February 23, at 10am, in the Catholic Church (Our Lady of the Assumption) at Asuncion, Davao del Norte. Friends from this site who are able to get there will be welcome.

We have been rather busy since before leaving UK - the house and cars in UK were sold, most possessions packed and despatched (some by air, some by sea).

Activities here have involved purchasing first a motorbike, then a car, a house (well, two, actually) in a 900 sq.m. lot in Tagum, and now a beach.

We've taken delivery of both shipments from the UK.

I went to 'convert' my UK driver's licence to a Filipino one - I was expecting to fill some forms, and hand over some cash. On the day, I was required to take a written exam and a practical test, all without warning or preparation. I was pleased to come away at the end of the day with my shiney new license!

We have also added a Persian cat and a white rabbit to our household.

Life here seems pretty good!

Perhaps I'll have more time to post after the wedding.

5th February 2008, 14:28
long time no see, good your all ok :xxgrinning--00xx3:
it will be a few years b4 a get out of this country :cwm24: and get to live in the philippines..

good luck on your wedding day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2008, 15:49
We have been rather busy.....

We wondered what was causing the earthquakes in Asia :D

5th February 2008, 20:38
Whereabouts in Phils did you settle then? (Corr he's nosey isn't he? - Your voice) If I were to retire in Philly, where's the best spot do you think? I've only seen Davao..:Erm:

6th February 2008, 15:43
Welcome back Peter...Hope you and Ruby will visit Davao City soon....and if you have any banking needs, just PM me :D We have a branch in Tagum City and I'll surely be glad to assist you :)

6th February 2008, 15:44
I guess whereabouts depends on what you're seeking in life.

I've only seen limited parts of Manila and a little more of the Davao City and Davao del Norte areas.

For me, Manila is like many other capital cities - Athens, Rome etc. It's busy, cosmopolitan and impersonal. I guess it's relatively safe (compared with some other areas in Phils), but as dangerous as many other capitals.

Davao City is less busy - I've been happy to drive through the centre, not quite as cosmopolitan, but there is a significant, and increasing, number of caucasian faces.

Tagum City, itself, is very safe, but some of the surrounding areas can be less than secure. When I was living at the house of Ruby's parents (in Asuncion), I heard that a well-known local muslim had been asking questions about me and my presence - we can only guess at what his interest in me might have been. Ruby and I were making regular visits into Kapalong, on the motorbike, so we were rather obvioius. I have never seen another white face in Kapalong or Asuncion.

In Tagum, the number of white faces is small enough to generate interest wherever we go but, again, I have noted an increase since my first visit last May.

The reason for the safety, and increasing number of foreign faces, in Davao and Tagum is the zero-tolerance approach of their incumbent mayors. Whether I agree with the 'secret' death squads who deal with the less desirable members of society, I'm not sure, but they certainly act as a very strong deterent.

Living on Mindanao is significantly cheaper than living in Manila.

I am perfectly happy in Tagum, and would have no hesitation in recommending it as a retirement area.

6th February 2008, 15:51
Hope you and Ruby will visit Davao City soon....
Hi Les-lady ... visit Davao City? We seem to spend our time driving the highway between Tagum and Davao! In fact, we plan to visit the city again tomorrow.

... and if you have any banking needs, just PM me :D We have a branch in Tagum City and I'll surely be glad to assist you :)

Banking needs? I wish I'd known sooner, but having been using PNB GFMCs for some time, PNB Tagum was our first port of call when we needed to move larger sums from UK for car and property purchase. We have opened a joint account with them which has enabled us to obtain manager's cheques when required.

However, Metro Bank is my favourite point when I require to make ATM withdrawals.

6th February 2008, 15:51
I am perfectly happy in Tagum, and would have no hesitation in recommending it as a retirement area.

In that case, see you Sunday, make sure we have the best room in your house, and we like breakfast at 9:30 sharp :D

6th February 2008, 15:57
Peter, our bank opens 8 hours unlike other banks that close at 3 or 4pm....I still have to check tomorrow if our Tagum branch is already open 6 days.....but if you are already happy with your banks now then I won't insist......but if you need longer banking hours, then try ours :) Btw, I am assigned in SM Branch :) I bet you drop by that mall sometime. Hope to meet you both one day.

6th February 2008, 16:15
Hehe - in that case I know which bank it is .... we can't miss all the adverts on TV! SM, yes .. again, we will probably be there tomorrow ... our cat came from the pet shop in SM. If we pop into the bank tomorrow, who should we ask for?

6th February 2008, 16:19
9.30? You'll be unlikely to find either me or Ruby awake at that time! You can get your own breakfast, Keith!

6th February 2008, 16:39
Hehe - in that case I know which bank it is .... we can't miss all the adverts on TV! SM, yes .. again, we will probably be there tomorrow ... our cat came from the pet shop in SM. If we pop into the bank tomorrow, who should we ask for?

Just look for Joy :) Hope to see u around...and oh, tomorrow's Chinese New YEar....Kung Hei Fat Choi to everyone!!!! :Hellooo::Hellooo:

6th February 2008, 18:29
Just look for Joy :) Hope to see u around...and oh, tomorrow's Chinese New YEar....Kung Hei Fat Choi to everyone!!!! :Hellooo::Hellooo:

Kung Hei Fat Choi - One hell of a crap racehorse that one :NoNo:

7th February 2008, 16:20
tomorrow's Chinese New YEar....
It was, indeed - you couldn't miss the dragons prancing around in SM!

Anyway, it was good to meet you, Les_lady - thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day.

8th February 2008, 14:18
It was, indeed - you couldn't miss the dragons prancing around in SM!

Anyway, it was good to meet you, Les_lady - thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day.

Pleased to meet you too Pete and Ruby....I hope we keep in touch tho...I'd like to learn from you and Ruby :) ...and you take care there in Tagum City ok...If you need my help around Davao (business or properties) just don't hesitate to call me....Regards to Ruby. She's indeed a lovely lady :) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th February 2008, 14:44
No reason not to keep in touch!

Ruby says that you're a lovely lady too!