View Full Version : Sharia Law? Poll

8th February 2008, 22:44
One law for all, you can't pick and choose which bits of law you want, otherwise I'll take the stoning instead of the 3 points on my license for speeding :cwm24:

8th February 2008, 22:54
Making it worse?! How could it possibly be worse?! Jehovah!:BouncyHappy:Jehovah!:BouncyHappy:Jehovah!:BouncyHappy: (Sorry, big Monty Python fan..:icon_lol:)
One law for all, you can't pick and choose which bits of law you want, otherwise I'll take the stoning instead of the 3 points on my license for speeding :cwm24:

8th February 2008, 22:57
[SIZE="4"]Keith being stoned..:icon_lol:[/Shttp://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNeq2Utm0nU&feature=relatedIZE]

8th February 2008, 22:58

9th February 2008, 00:06
My life is ruled by Murphys law:rolleyes:

9th February 2008, 00:15
Since the yanks banned Amy Winehouse, I think it's only fair we ban Jude Law's sister :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2008, 09:05
Yeah bring in Shanias law, I love her songs!!!
Oh, did I understand it right???

10th February 2008, 17:24
One law for all, you can't pick and choose which bits of law you want, otherwise I'll take the stoning instead of the 3 points on my license for speeding :cwm24:

scouser keith, i'll let you put your 3 ponits on my license if i can stone you :xxgrinning--00xx3:


this is ENGLAND :xxgrinning--00xx3:, not sparta, but hey it should have been ...

this is madness


this is ENGLAND , this is ENGLAND :BouncyHappy::Hellooo::Rasp::cwm12:

10th February 2008, 20:44
....and the USofA has named the number 1 country they are most worried about for terrorism........Britain :icon_lol:

12th February 2008, 08:09
I'll vote for the following Muslim laws...

Cut hands off thieves
Cut :icon_tonguew: off rapists
Hang murderers
Make ugly women wear burqas :icon_lol:

12th February 2008, 08:16
I'll vote for the following Muslim laws...
Make ugly women wear burqas :icon_lol:

We already have a remedy for that in the west....:rolleyes:

After ten pints, anything looks attractive, even Robs sheep.....

And if it doesn't work, black bin liners are cheaper than burkas.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
12th February 2008, 11:46
they`re very unfair because if you`re in their country you should abide thier laws and when they step to the other country they should abide their law.Are they trying to rule every country the stepped in ?

12th February 2008, 11:49
No, they are just trying to rul Britain, as our goverments are weak, and let minorities walk all over them. In the US the goverment is dominated by majority groups, but then they go way to far the other way.

12th February 2008, 21:03
The reaction that this gained particulary in London (thats a place down south with strange things like electricty, and paved roads for Joe and Mr admin) i think put the mockers on it.

The worst reaction was from Muslims many of them don't want Sharia law imposed on them here and don't get the Skihs, or hindus started on this subject.

14th February 2008, 05:30

14th February 2008, 10:44
What version of sharia do you mean (from the five official versions and numerous scales of interpretation)? Sharia financial deals are already protected in the UK, so we already have some recognition of sharia law. Many islamic people prefer to use sharia courts to sort out personal disputes - should they be recognised in UK law (as some jewish courts and C of E courts are) or not?

Is western christian morality the only moraility worth recognising? Or can we pick the best bits from other cultures? Do we have anything to learn or anything to teach?

Use your brains please.


14th February 2008, 11:19
:Erm: No religion should have anything to do with governmental law...FULL STOP.

14th February 2008, 11:42
Sharia financial deals are already protected in the UK, so we already have some recognition of sharia law.

thats tosh. there were no laws passed in the UK to enable sharia finance.

what has actually happened, is when you deposit money in a islamic bank - they will ask you if you are 'depositing' the full amount (i.e. protected by the 90%/30K rule), or if you are depositing a lower amount and risking the rest.

This means you are earning the same interest as a high street bank - but you do not have the same protection as a high street bank. :Erm: now the trouble is - what will happen when an islamic bank goes t1ts up and all the customers only get half of there deposits rather than the 90% which is protected by the bank of england?? :Help1: I think we know now (after the northern rock fiasco) that the government will step in and replay the deposits :NoNo: which is totally unacceptable to the rest of us.

14th February 2008, 12:38
thats tosh. there were no laws passed in the UK to enable sharia finance.

what has actually happened, is when you deposit money in a islamic bank - they will ask you if you are 'depositing' the full amount (i.e. protected by the 90%/30K rule), or if you are depositing a lower amount and risking the rest.

This means you are earning the same interest as a high street bank - but you do not have the same protection as a high street bank. :Erm: now the trouble is - what will happen when an islamic bank goes t1ts up and all the customers only get half of there deposits rather than the 90% which is protected by the bank of england?? :Help1: I think we know now (after the northern rock fiasco) that the government will step in and replay the deposits :NoNo: which is totally unacceptable to the rest of us.

Thanks for that clarification.


14th February 2008, 12:40
:Erm: No religion should have anything to do with governmental law...FULL STOP.

An interesting philosophical point. At least in making it you are equating sharia with christian laws, which is my point.


14th February 2008, 16:46
:Erm: :Erm: :Erm:

17th February 2008, 16:51
:Erm: :Erm: :Erm:

Yes, exactly.......

17th February 2008, 19:53
What version of sharia do you mean (from the five official versions and numerous scales of interpretation)? Sharia financial deals are already protected in the UK, so we already have some recognition of sharia law. Many islamic people prefer to use sharia courts to sort out personal disputes - should they be recognised in UK law (as some jewish courts and C of E courts are) or not?

Is western christian morality the only moraility worth recognising? Or can we pick the best bits from other cultures? Do we have anything to learn or anything to teach?

Use your brains please.


we already pick and choose the western christian morality you talk about took most of its ideas it appears from other sources anyway.
The two big national holidays we now call Christmas and easter have been celebrated far longer than any of the abrahamic religions have existed. If the people that make up this country feel Sharia law will be of use. it will find its way in but as so many in this country have little faith or regard for most organised religion due to all the conflicts it causes i think most prefer the secular Courts and laws which have evolved.

Always makes me laugh when people in non Northern hempshire countries are celebrating the winter solstice from the jullian calendar and spring equinoxes (ok the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the March equinox)
The powers to be in the Rome didn't like this pagan celebrations and then took them into the fold when the people carried on and they might lose punters. The people will decide always have and always will.

17th February 2008, 21:06
.....and they might lose punters.

God runs Ladbrokes? :cwm24:

18th February 2008, 22:42
God runs Ladbrokes? :cwm24:

william hill too

19th February 2008, 01:38

Originally posted by joebloggs...this is madness


these clips are amusing indeed :icon_lol: made my day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th February 2008, 12:22
me need a PM like the guy in the clip, one with a back bone :xxgrinning--00xx3:

and get him to say "THIS IS ENGLAND !!!" instead of "this is sparta" and tell everyone to :furious3::censored:


19th February 2008, 19:00
me need a PM like the guy in the clip, one with a back bone :xxgrinning--00xx3:

and get him to say "THIS IS ENGLAND !!!" instead of "this is sparta" and tell everyone to :furious3::censored:


What if he told those with an eastern european parent to :censored: off:D

20th February 2008, 10:19
What if he told those with an eastern european parent to :censored: off:D

damn right :D, oh :doh, well my mom spent more than 63yrs here in ENGLAND :icon_lol:

so hope she is er... i dunno :doh