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13th February 2008, 23:38
Hello everyone!! My name is Kevin and I live in the UK. I have a Philippina girlfriend for the past 5 months. I have been told that this is a very good site and that everyone is very friendly and helpful. I am inviting her to my country for a holiday holiday and then I hope to visit her and her family in the Philippines. She is concerned about the tourist visa and as we have no experience of these matters, can anyone advise if there would be any problems with a tourist visa application?

14th February 2008, 06:16
welcome kevin....youre question is again and again but some members were telling you the real score of tourist visa...so im just welcoming you here at first...enjoy staying on the site

14th February 2008, 08:50
Thank you for your reply i am sure we will learn a lot from this site

14th February 2008, 09:12
Thank you for your reply i am sure we will learn a lot from this site

Unless your Girlfriend has zillions in the bank and property in the Philippines, ie a reason or two to return at the end of the trip, she doesn't stand a chance of getting a Tourist Visa.
A lot of members will suggest for you to go there first, once or twice, to meet her, gather enough evidence and then apply for a Fiancee Visa.

If you use the search facility, you will find several, if not hundreds of posts relating to the same situation as yours.

Welcome aboard and....
Good luck

14th February 2008, 12:10
Hello everyone!! My name is Kevin and I live in the UK. I have a Philippina girlfriend for the past 5 months. I have been told that this is a very good site and that everyone is very friendly and helpful. I am inviting her to my country for a holiday holiday and then I hope to visit her and her family in the Philippines. She is concerned about the tourist visa and as we have no experience of these matters, can anyone advise if there would be any problems with a tourist visa application?

welcome aboard KEVIN,if u like ur visa application 99% granted u have to visit her first then apply a FIANCEE visa.

14th February 2008, 13:07
Actually, reading this I think you are talking about getting a tourist visa to the Philippines - which is easy as millions of tourists each year find out, so no worries there!

The problem arises only if she wants to visit you in the UK. I do not agree with using a fiancee visa for a visit. A fiancee visa is there if you intend to get married when she is in the UK. You are breaching the terms of the visa if you have no intention of getting married, and this could mean that she will never be granted a visa again.

I also agree that getting a vv is difficult - and impossible if she does not have a decent job in the Philippines.

Therefore, the only solution is for you to visit her, and then apply for a fiancee visa if you decide for certain to get married.

Good luck!


Pepe n Pilar
14th February 2008, 16:02
Hi Vinmer welcome to the foum. Visitor's visa is very hard to secure but i have applied and was just lucky to get one. It was my first time to travel and so i also heard that i will have a very slim chance of obtaining it. I submitted all the needed documents plus his sponsorship letter, payslips, bank statements. You may tell your gf to submit the docs on the checklist. Just try. Wish you the best of luck!:)

14th February 2008, 22:19
Thanks everyone for your replies, it is comforting to know that all of you genuinely wish us well. It is a great help to have such differing views. I thought that my circumstances would come under most scrutiny for the visitors visa but i now understand the reasons why they are difficult to obtain.My only problem with going to the Philippines is that I am totally petrified of flying, so silly, i know, but we really want this to work so I guess I am going to have to get over it and fly!!! I am happy to have found this site and thanks again for all your support and advice

15th February 2008, 08:07
My only problem with going to the Philippines is that I am totally petrified of flying, so silly, i know, but we really want this to work so I guess I am going to have to get over it and fly!!!

Statistically speaking, flying in a plane is much safer than driving a car.
And you get fed and watered along the way....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

If you plan your trip properly, you will suffer minimal discomfort through jetlag.

You will like the experience of visiting the Philippines so much that you will want to book another trip, as soon as you get back home...

Good luck

15th February 2008, 13:53
hi Vinmer,

firstly welcome to the forum..and Goodluck on ur trip to the Philippines..I am pretty sure u will enjoy ur stay there..:)

15th February 2008, 17:19

I hate flying too, although I am not now as petrified as I sued to be. The strange thing is that long flights are not too bad for me, as it is taking off and landing that I hate. Once I'm up there its just the boredom that hurts - which is easily dealt with by watching videos and drinking lots of alcohol . .


15th February 2008, 20:46
I'd rather die fast in a plane crash, than linger bleeding to death after a car crash.

Do what me & the missus do before we fly.....watch 'Air Crash Investigation' .....makes the banging nosies during the flight more enjoyable :yikes:

15th February 2008, 23:10
Thanks for your comments, believe it or not I'm a big fan of air crash investigators so i know what you mean. Looks like flying may be best option!!!

16th February 2008, 10:08
What you can do is wait for a plane crash, then fly straight after, seldom hear of 2 in a row :cwm24:

16th February 2008, 19:49
What you can do is wait for a plane crash, then fly straight after, seldom hear of 2 in a row :cwm24:

So not like buses then:D

Wait ages then two at once

18th February 2008, 00:09
Can anyone advise of the wording that should be used in the the sponsors letter that is required with the visa application. Also if a copy the sponsors current passport is essential or if an expired passport is sufficient.
Many thanks

18th February 2008, 09:41
Can anyone advise of the wording that should be used in the the sponsors letter that is required with the visa application. Also if a copy the sponsors current passport is essential or if an expired passport is sufficient.
Many thanks
Start a new thread, and use the SEARCH that question is already answered.

18th February 2008, 15:22
Hello and welcome to the site

18th February 2008, 19:21
Can anyone advise of the wording that should be used in the the sponsors letter that is required with the visa application. Also if a copy the sponsors current passport is essential or if an expired passport is sufficient.
Many thanks

hello vinmer,
from my experience,what i did to apply a visitors visa was... i let my fiancee to write a letter in hand written ,addressed to BRITISH EMBASSY MANILA, that he is inviting me as his visitor for the purpose of letting me experience the culture and traditions here and at the same time sight seeing...and he is willing to accomodate me in his house while here in uk...and i ask xerox copy of his passport the page contained his picture and his signature and also the pages that hv been stamped.whats important i think is to prove the eco citizenship status of the sponsor.anf also i ask from my fiancee his bank statements 6 mos going back up to the month of my application..thats the only things i asked from my fiancee..Maybe i was granted coz i showed also documents from my side to proved that i have all the reasons really to go back and no intention to live here in my whole life lol....im willing to answer all ur querries regarding visitors visa application,based from my experiences coz i did applied twice already and all was granted...

18th February 2008, 19:24
Can anyone advise of the wording that should be used in the the sponsors letter that is required with the visa application. Also if a copy the sponsors current passport is essential or if an expired passport is sufficient.
Many thanks

i forgot to tell you...dont send the letter to embassy direct..it should be included on the other docs too...

18th February 2008, 19:30
Hi Gemini63,

Congrats for obtaining the coveted tourist visa...not once but twice!
Can I ask what supporting documents you showed...that you will surely go back to our beloved country?

Did you have loads of money in your bank? hehehe

Advice please...



18th February 2008, 19:51
Hi Gemini63,

Congrats for obtaining the coveted tourist visa...not once but twice!
Can I ask what supporting documents you showed...that you will surely go back to our beloved country?

Did you have loads of money in your bank? hehehe

Advice please...



hi mavid.
i showed 6 mos bank statements, its not important how much that u hv loads of money left on that statement everyday..what is important is that there is movement of coming in and out on it,,to show theres income coming in...and normal that if theres income theres expenses lol..so theres no problem on the amount showed on it...as long as existing and moving...bt i produced also bank certification that i hv savings containing an amount that the eco will think can support my stay for at least one month as wehat i said on my application but i stayed more than i said really lol..i also submit certified copy of business permit and some land tittles...ITR too latest... and the sponsor letter..i think its important that theres an address that u will show where ur going to...so invitation letter is so important too...

18th February 2008, 21:02
Thanks so much Gemini63 for all the valuable informations....will surely keep this in mind.

18th February 2008, 21:06
Thanks for the advice, it is really appreciated. We are trying to do things the right but it just seems very frustrating at times. However we are both determined to succeed so we will just keep trying and hopefully it will work out in the end.

18th February 2008, 23:12
Hello everyone!! My name is Kevin and I live in the UK.

Anywhere around Cardiff, then........???:Erm:

19th February 2008, 17:52
I am from Belfast,sorry i didn't mention that before

19th February 2008, 18:04
I am from Belfast,sorry i didn't mention that before


Might be visiting the Balmoral Show in a couple of months, don't know yet for sure.

19th February 2008, 18:55
Really, well if you are, I would be absolutely delighted to meet up if that were possible.

19th February 2008, 19:01
Really, well if you are, I would be absolutely delighted to meet up if that were possible.

That would be nice. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

As it stands at the moment, Balmoral dates clash with some other show on the mainland. :NoNo:
It will be down to management office politics to decide where I will be going....:Brick:

14th March 2008, 00:08
Hello, sorry for not posting for a while, i have been reading through a lot of the posts and have found them very informative as well as amusing. I was reading on one of your (Aromulus) posts about changing nationality and was wondering if you could elaborate. It was something about Italian or Southern Irish. Thanks

28th March 2008, 18:40
Hello everyone!! My name is Kevin and I live in the UK. I have a Philippina girlfriend for the past 5 months. I have been told that this is a very good site and that everyone is very friendly and helpful. I am inviting her to my country for a holiday holiday and then I hope to visit her and her family in the Philippines. She is concerned about the tourist visa and as we have no experience of these matters, can anyone advise if there would be any problems with a tourist visa application?

My girlfriend tried to get a UK tourist visa and then an Irish tourist Visa which were refused on both counts because they were not convinced she would return to the Philippines. I got fed up and flew out and met her and her family for a short holiday. I am now going to visit again and also we are going to apply for a fiance visa. I think other people have already advised that this is the best way to get her over here for a gander.(I am in Belfast also).
I am trying to contact anyone who has done similar for best advice for necessary paperwork. I think I have gathered most of the items required, however I need to be sure as we only get one shot at it probably.(If anyone out there has done the same, any advice would be appreciated. form VAF1? plus the items mentioned in the following link?? http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1035796295766#point%20nine
Good Luck,

13th May 2008, 22:59
Hello Jake, good to hear from you, sorry I havent posted for a while. We are giving the tourist visa a try first although it seems a bit of a longshot. Failing that, it seems that I will follow the same course as yourself and go to the Philippines. Hope to hear from you again.