View Full Version : I've started a competition......

22nd February 2008, 20:22
...it's on a 0898 number, and costs only £2.50 a minute.

I publish a question, you call the number, give the answer, and my phone operator says if you won or not. Easy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Please note: In line with European Laws on employing disabled people, our phone operator is a deaf mute.

22nd February 2008, 20:34
Great wheres the number i will use my textphone:D

What do i win a lifetime supply of dried fish?

22nd February 2008, 20:55
Great wheres the number i will use my textphone:D

What do i win a lifetime supply of dried fish?

Not sure the office phone has text :Erm:


22nd February 2008, 21:28
Oh well I guess no Dried fish for me:bigcry:

22nd February 2008, 21:37
:icon_lol: It's funny, how everybody always remembers the 0898 no.s
Seeing they went out years ago.
Any bit of smut or rip off, was always preceeded by them :D
...So somebody told me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd February 2008, 13:12
Ive heard dried fish here..is it with vinegar???:Erm::icon_lol::Rasp:

wots the question, Boss..:omg::Help1::Erm:

23rd February 2008, 13:20
Ive heard dried fish here..is it with vinegar???:Erm::icon_lol::Rasp:

wots the question, Boss..:omg::Help1::Erm:

Please please win kimmi

I don't think the smell of the fish and vinegar:Help1: will reach london from Bonnie scotland:D

23rd February 2008, 13:22
but the Boss havent given me the question yet..:Erm::Erm:

dont worry I will do my best to win..:omg::omg::icon_lol:

23rd February 2008, 13:29
Whats the Bosses favourite team

A Liverpool

B manchester utd

Just say Liverpool lots its either the right answer or he will get misty eyed for the days of Shellsuits and ferries across the mersey and never walking alone. Then im sure he will let you have the dried fish so it can't be cooked nearby him:D

23rd February 2008, 13:37

will that be enough Andy??u think I will have the prize with that??lol

23rd February 2008, 13:50
If u have dried fish andy please throw me some here in israel coz im tired eating chicken all the time hehehe

23rd February 2008, 13:58
i've tried to reverse the charges scouser keith,

but all i can hear is baaaaaaa baaaaaaa, you got your answer phone on :Erm:

23rd February 2008, 14:00
:Kilt::prosper::xxanimal-smiley-085:wiggle::icon_win: do i win already?

23rd February 2008, 14:15
If u have dried fish andy please throw me some here in israel coz im tired eating chicken all the time hehehe

Just checked the cupboards while wearing gas mask i couldn't see any dried fish, but if i did you would sure to have half i throw some up to scotland and some to israel both nice and far away from me:xxgrinning--00xx3: to avoid the fumes

23rd February 2008, 14:16
i've tried to reverse the charges scouser keith,

but all i can hear is baaaaaaa baaaaaaa, you got your answer phone on :Erm:

Thats Larry Mr admins butler

23rd February 2008, 14:17

will that be enough Andy??u think I will have the prize with that??lol

i think so Mr Admn im sure is changing into his best shell suit as he reads that and preparing the dried fish on the catapult.

23rd February 2008, 15:17
If you want to smell fish, find a Manc bird, get her to.... :action-smiley-081:

23rd February 2008, 17:24
If you want to smell fish, find a Manc bird, get her to.... :action-smiley-081:

Never mind Manchester....

I stopped using buses in Wales because the smell of putrified mackerel was overpowering.......:butthead:

23rd February 2008, 17:26
If you want to smell fish, find a Manc bird, get her to.... :action-smiley-081:

thats where scousers store their fish ??? :Erm:, we use a fridge :doh

i suppose its a bit harder for a scouser to nick a fridge and carry down your street ..

23rd February 2008, 17:31
Thats Larry Mr admins butler

baaa, i think scouser keith don't answer the phone because he's mutton Jeff :D


24th February 2008, 06:14
this brings up a question are you selling email addresses to spammers? excuse me advertisers...?
since joining this UK forum, the only UK site I am currently a menber of by the way, I have been getting email scams about Irish lotteries, and various othe UK oriented mails, and the latest is this one:

You've been selected as one of the 15 Recipients of £500,000.00 each by Ride Foundation,For further inquiry, please contact our Cash Grant Program Coordinator:Name: Dr. Albert Magnus,Email: dr.albertmagnus@hotmail.com,Faithfully Yours,Sandra O'Niel

anyone else getting these?

24th February 2008, 07:56
anyone else getting these?

I just checked my inbox and bulk spam folder and no..Cant see anything like that there..
I have had a few lottery win emails in the past which I deleted.
I don't think they were anything to do with this forum.

24th February 2008, 09:36
You've been selected as one of the 15 Recipients of £500,000.00 each by Ride Foundation,For further inquiry, please contact our Cash Grant Program Coordinator:Name: Dr. Albert Magnus,Email: dr.albertmagnus@hotmail.com,Faithfully Yours,Sandra O'Niel

anyone else getting these?

This one smells of a typical nigerian 419 scam...:omg:

For a few $$$ you can buy email addy finders.

We know that scousers can be dodgy, but "r" Keith is sound as a pound........:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th February 2008, 10:11
this brings up a question are you selling email addresses to spammers? excuse me advertisers...?

No. I abide by UK & European law as a Limited company.

24th February 2008, 12:44
No 411 for me either and Mr Admin a few years back took a lot of effort to protect us users from scamsters when they were trying to pm us and maybe email others.

24th February 2008, 12:47
anyone else getting these?

i havent got any..:Erm::Erm:

but I dont think Boss will do that and especially to u only..I doubt it..:Rasp::Rasp::NoNo:

28th February 2008, 10:42
OK sorry if I sounded accusitory get it... accuse a tory? hehe.

a mere coincidence then.
more yank humour, hey I even spelled it right. or is that spelt??

28th February 2008, 10:45
OK sorry if I sounded accusitory get it... accuse a tory? hehe.

a mere coincidence then.
more yank humour, hey I even spelled it right. or is that spelt??

The correct spelling (sic!) is 'spelled' - however, even we Brits. are becoming 'Americanised' and so 'spelt' is acceptable.

You still get your gold star RHB!


28th February 2008, 11:04
Jewellry Jewelery Bling.......