View Full Version : Wanna hear ur views on this...

6th March 2008, 11:22
Was on the gym yesterday and i was actually in one of the classes that i regularly attend. This instructor leading the class, started out a story (which i supposed was meant to be a joke) about a couple of his friends going to Thailand and he was saying he couldn't believe that they manage to stay there for 3 weeks :Erm: (I would love to stay as long as i could when im on a holiday) Anyway that's not the problem, he then said "They must have met goodlooking thai's" and then broke in to a laugh.

I dont know about y'all but i find this rude knowing that there's an asian female (me) in the room and i was the only one. Although im not a thai (im a proud pinoy) and definitely not used to be a "working girl" but i could be one as he doesn't know me! We all know that he was referring to "working girls", right? I guess some of u will say, i shouldn't make a big deal out of it as it doesn't refer to me but i just want to hear what you think about this and what would u feel on sort of humours like this. Would like to hear from filipino ladies as well as english men!

6th March 2008, 11:30
Was on the gym yesterday and i was actually in one of the classes that i regularly attend. This instructor leading the class, started out a story (which i supposed was meant to be a joke) about a couple of his friends going to Thailand and he was saying he couldn't believe that they manage to stay there for 3 weeks :Erm: (I would love to stay as long as i could when im on a holiday) Anyway that's not the problem, he then said "They must have met goodlooking thai's" and then broke in to a laugh.

I dont know about y'all but i find this rude knowing that there's an asian female (me) in the room and i was the only one. Although im not a thai (im a proud pinoy) and definitely not used to be a "working girl" but i could be one as he doesn't know me! We all know that he was referring to "working girls", right? I guess some of u will say, i shouldn't make a big deal out of it as it doesn't refer to me but i just want to hear what you think about this and what would u feel on sort of humours like this. Would like to hear from filipino ladies as well as english men!

Well out of order.
I would complain to the management.:cwm23:

6th March 2008, 12:20

I use to get a few 'jokes' from people i worked with when i told them where my wife was from, like how much did i pay for her, has she left high school yet, that i got myself a ladyboy, etc :cwm23:

it usually stopped when i told them, i'll bring her to work and you can ask her that yourself, oh but she might knock you out, and how embarrassed you're going to look with a broken nose in front of everyone :D.

what really :censored: me misses off more thou is people thinking she is chinese.. :doh

6th March 2008, 12:24
:Erm: I don't see any problem with that. Reverse it to Thai's saying they must have met a good looking white man.

Like a smilie on here, if it was meant to be funny, which it obviosuly was, then the problem would be with you for taking it out of context. We have enough problems with the government killing off humour & happiness in this country.

6th March 2008, 12:48
the government killing off humour & happiness in this country.

sing-a-long scouser keith... i know you know the words...

Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that I posses
I thank the Lord I've been blessed
With more than my share of happiness

To me this old world is a wonderful place
And I'm just about the luckiest human in the whole human race
I've got no silver and I've got no gold
Just a whole lot of happiness in my soul

Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that I posses
I thank the Lord I've been blessed
With more than my share of happiness

Happiness to me is an ocean tide
Or a sunset fading on a mountain side
Or maybe a big old heaven full of stars up above
When I'm in the arms of the one I love

Happiness is a field of grain
Lifting its face to the falling rain
I can see it in the sunshine, I breathe it in the rain
Happiness everywhere

i better go now :Bolt:


6th March 2008, 13:09
Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that I posses

Happiness for Scouser Keith would be a room full of stolen car radios and hubcaps.

6th March 2008, 13:32
I would agree with Keith on this one or you can always go down the American route as a lot of Brits do now and Sue him for a few ££££'s

6th March 2008, 13:53
I would agree with Keith on this one or you can always go down the American route as a lot of Brits do now and Sue him for a few ££££'s

If people do that then we are not better than the americans..... I hate this new culture

6th March 2008, 14:16
down the American route as a lot of Brits do now and Sue him for a few ££££'s

Why? I don't think the comments were perceived as being racist, or even anything -ist, it was a joke, what are you suggesting a facist state where everything you say or do is open to scrutiny and liable to prosecution? Oh I forgot, it looks like its already here :doh.

People need to chill out a bit more and stop worrying about petty things like this. How about we all worry about the dying in Africa? The homeless in the Philippines?

6th March 2008, 14:19
People need to chill out a bit more and stop worrying about petty things like this. How about we all worry about the dying in Africa? The homeless in the Philippines?


6th March 2008, 14:37
jmr: Some people would find that avatar you use offensive!

6th March 2008, 14:41
now i don't know if boss is still joking about jmr :yikes: avatar or he really need to change it :Erm:

6th March 2008, 14:50
I think this is a very low level of offence. As Keith says, its the kind of thing people say about other people anywhere - could also apply to a visitor to Scandinavia, for instance.

There is certainly a common and very mild racist attitude to Thais and people who marry them - but not something that has ever worried me or particularly offended either of my ex wives. And its nothing compared to the racist attitudes that trouble people from other races in the UK.


6th March 2008, 14:53
There is certainly a common and very mild racist attitude to Thais and people who marry them

That's not racist (look up the meaning), it is 'uneducated'.

Pepe n Pilar
6th March 2008, 15:03
That's not racist (look up the meaning), it is 'uneducated'.

Well said Mr. Keith:iagree::iagree::iagree:

6th March 2008, 15:10
There is certainly a common and very mild racist attitude to Thais and people who marry them - but not something that has ever worried me or particularly offended either of my ex wives. And its nothing compared to the racist attitudes that trouble people from other races in the UK.


Having lived in this part of Wales for close to 13 years (in an area where the Welsh language is dominant and there is a strong anti-English element), I've met some really nasty racists and even had to work with them, the kind who think that English should be banned from living in Wales, the kind who insist unless you speak Welsh, your not really Welsh. Now these people are the true racists, and it amazes me how they get away with it, even broadcasting their views on Welsh and radio. They are using the Welsh langauge and culture to justify what they say or do. Even when it comes to building new houses or shops in Aberystwyth, they will peddle the usual rubbish about how this will erode the Welsh language and ruin the community. :Erm:

Having worked in a local supermarket, I very often had people saying "Sariad Cymraeg" (do you speak Welsh?), and if I say no, I'll get the silent treatment or they start babbling on Welsh.

6th March 2008, 16:32
Having worked in a local supermarket, I very often had people saying "Sariad Cymraeg" (do you speak Welsh?), and if I say no, I'll get the silent treatment or they start babbling on Welsh.

If an asylum seeker came into your shop and you asked if he spoke English and he just shrugged his shoulders and looked blankly at you, and you then spoke to him in English (what else could you do?) That wouldn't make you racist.

Bearing in mind most of us are married to "foreigners", how does it make you feel seeing all those illegal immigrants sneaking onto trucks in Calais?

6th March 2008, 16:53
I agree with aromulus.

I think the man is out of order..
Its not about him being a racist..Its about him making her feel uncomfortable in front of others..

6th March 2008, 17:28
I agree with aromulus.

I think the man is out of order..
Its not about him being a racist..Its about him making her feel uncomfortable in front of others..

But the majority of folk find me funny, a small few will find me offensive, and probably feel 'uncomfortable'........but WE DO NOT PANDER TO THE MINORITIES they have already trashed this country.....

6th March 2008, 17:52
Was on the gym yesterday and i was actually in one of the classes that i regularly attend. This instructor leading the class, started out a story (which i supposed was meant to be a joke) about a couple of his friends going to Thailand and he was saying he couldn't believe that they manage to stay there for 3 weeks :Erm: (I would love to stay as long as i could when im on a holiday) Anyway that's not the problem, he then said "They must have met goodlooking thai's" and then broke in to a laugh.

I dont know about y'all but i find this rude knowing that there's an asian female (me) in the room and i was the only one. Although im not a thai (im a proud pinoy) and definitely not used to be a "working girl" but i could be one as he doesn't know me! We all know that he was referring to "working girls", right? I guess some of u will say, i shouldn't make a big deal out of it as it doesn't refer to me but i just want to hear what you think about this and what would u feel on sort of humours like this. Would like to hear from filipino ladies as well as english men!

To be honest, I'm finding it hard to see the big problem with this. The offending quote was... correct me if I'm wrong, "They must have met goodlooking thai's". To give the guy some credit... he did use the word Thai's and not one of the more offense names sometimes used. Think you're reading to much into this. :)

6th March 2008, 18:57
I agree he could have said if they stayed in the US for three weeks must have met some goodlooking yanks.

If it winds you up, next time your in phill make sure that all those around you are as PC as they can be (good luck). If they are not reprimand them and then educate them in how to act politcally correct.

6th March 2008, 23:30
jmr: Some people would find that avatar you use offensive!

:action-smiley-081: :butthead: :Sex: :UpYurs: :erotic4:

They started it!

I've changed it. How's that?!

7th March 2008, 00:13
well I always say " there is no such thing as an ugly woman,some are just more beautiful than others" well it's what I say when I am wobbly and wake up in the morning to find I've taken home the most not so beautiful girl in the club

7th March 2008, 01:03
:action-smiley-081: :butthead: :Sex: :UpYurs: :erotic4:

They started it!

I've changed it. How's that?!

:yikes: youre more worse than boss using those nasty icon lol but youre pretty though :Hellooo::)

7th March 2008, 08:54
To be honest, I'm finding it hard to see the big problem with this. The offending quote was... correct me if I'm wrong, "They must have met goodlooking thai's". To give the guy some credit... he did use the word Thai's and not one of the more offense names sometimes used. Think you're reading to much into this. :)

As the lady in question was the only asian present, I doubt very much that she felt relieved by the fact that "Thai" was mentioned.
99% of people living in the west, cannot distinguish the small differences between various asian races, so as Admin put it, it was an "uneducated" comment.

He may have not made a racist remark, but it may have caused offense or discomfort to some people.
It is macho male nature to brag about stuff like that, but there is a time and a place, and I still think that it was grossly out of order to talk about working girls in the presence of ladies, although it is, sadly, a fact of life.

I am not in any way, shape or form a Guardian reader. In fact I think that this society is going too far in the way we deal with people from different ethnic backgrounds.

7th March 2008, 09:56
:action-smiley-081: :butthead: :Sex: :UpYurs: :erotic4:

I find that VERY offensive. :cwm23:

7th March 2008, 13:56
I find that VERY offensive. :cwm23:

Awww,jmr i told you so :NoNo:

7th March 2008, 15:10
I find that VERY offensive. :cwm23:

Would you be offended if a stranger called you Joe?

7th March 2008, 15:14
Would you be offended if a stranger called you Joe?

:omg: no :Erm:

i'm more worried about people at work calling me 'love' :yikes:

7th March 2008, 15:45
You would be fine here mate.. Everyone knows your name!

i'm more worried about people at work calling me 'love'

Over here thats your wife`s problem...Not yours!

7th March 2008, 15:57
You would be fine here mate.. Everyone knows your name!

Over here thats your wife`s problem...Not yours!


7th March 2008, 18:38
As the lady in question was the only asian present, I doubt very much that she felt relieved by the fact that "Thai" was mentioned.
99% of people living in the west, cannot distinguish the small differences between various asian races, so as Admin put it, it was an "uneducated" comment.

He may have not made a racist remark, but it may have caused offense or discomfort to some people.
It is macho male nature to brag about stuff like that, but there is a time and a place, and I still think that it was grossly out of order to talk about working girls in the presence of ladies, although it is, sadly, a fact of life.

I am not in any way, shape or form a Guardian reader. In fact I think that this society is going too far in the way we deal with people from different ethnic backgrounds.

You're right but I think a lot depends on the individual and circumstances. I asked Juliet how she would feel and she said she wouldn't be bothered in the slightest.

Having spent a lot of time at sea, I'm used to working with Filipinos and Indonesians. I made a lot of Asian friends and would often make comments which would bring shrieks of disapproval from members of this forum. However, because of the situation and circumstances.... maybe me and 5 Filipinos... it would always bring howls of laughter.

7th March 2008, 18:40
:action-smiley-081: :butthead: :Sex: :UpYurs: :erotic4:

They started it!

I've changed it. How's that?!

Personally, I think that's more offensive than the topic of your original post :NoNo:

7th March 2008, 21:45
I would be offended if I was in jmr's shoes. I know that joke wasn't intended for me because im a filipina and they mentioned about thai but considering that I was the only asian in the group and these people has no idea whats my nationality is or they might think that im from Thailand. Who knows whats in their mind, but for me he seems like he rediculed thai women..(bursting into laughed?) Duh! :cwm24:

I would be upset because sometimes at work, people have mistaken me of being a thai eventhough I told them im a filipina, and they said ah ok..but still asked though..so are you from Bangkok then?...grrrr.

Ignorant :rolleyes:

7th March 2008, 22:39
With out being there and watching and listening to everything said and gestured very hard to comment.

If it was just they are two young lads they went to a country and must have met two young ladies i can't see the harm. Im sure if two phills chaps came to the uk and the stayed a little longer one of the first jokes made back in phill would be oh they must have met some ladies.

If it had other under tones then best to speak to either the person in question or their management to express your discomfort if you feel it was meant to offend.

But i do suggest to any phill who complains about racism or any other ism in the UK needs to start work in Phill on some of the terribly bigoted things i have heard said and seen everyday.