View Full Version : Complicated!!

9th March 2008, 18:23
I've been reading all your posts and the british-filipino website about getting married in the Phills and it all sounds really complicated. I've absolutley no doubt that it will be well worth it but now I'm scared stiff of the whole procedure!

Some words of wisdom and calmness please!!

9th March 2008, 18:25
Also, what can I do myself in the UK to prepare ie paperwork. As I'm sure many people who go through this are the same, I will only be able to take limited holidays from work to go over there.

Do you think its easier to go for a holiday then go again later to get married or is it easier for Bert to come to the Uk on a visitor visa and get married over here??

9th March 2008, 19:05
Do you think its easier to go for a holiday then go again later to get married or is it easier for Bert to come to the Uk on a visitor visa and get married over here??

You'd get shot by the IND if you tried that these days.....unless your Polish :rolleyes:

If you want a fancy wedding...Philippines.....If you want a quickie....Fiancee visa in Britain.

9th March 2008, 19:19
Do you think its easier to go for a holiday then go again later to get married or is it easier for Bert to come to the Uk on a visitor visa and get married over here??
Don't play with immigration, do it right from the beginning. Choose either marriage in the Philippines and then spouse visa, or Fiancé visa and then marriage in the UK.

We all know that both have difficulties but we all had the same questions at the beginning. So think about both and choose the most suitable for both of you.

Just remember: no overstay, no false use of visa (like visitor visa to marry in the UK).

9th March 2008, 19:35
Also, what can I do myself in the UK to prepare ie paperwork. As I'm sure many people who go through this are the same, I will only be able to take limited holidays from work to go over there.

Do you think its easier to go for a holiday then go again later to get married or is it easier for Bert to come to the Uk on a visitor visa and get married over here??

Piece of cake, like boat drill or USPH............

Ideally you should take a holiday in the Philippines, and keep the various tickets and receipts and all that blarney, so to prove the Embassy that there is proof of relationship.
Marriage in the Philippines is highly recommended, as it will cost less than hiring a wedding car for the day in the Uk. (besides, traditionally, in the Philippines is the Groom that pays for the lot....)
I ain't kidding you...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th March 2008, 19:45
(besides, traditionally, in the Philippines is the Groom that pays for the lot....)
I ain't kidding you...:xxgrinning--00xx3:
...but you get to slaughter the pig :D

9th March 2008, 20:15
poor baboy!

9th March 2008, 20:26
...but you get to slaughter the pig :D

It is a hard job, but someone has to do it.......... Where is the Barnsley manager...????:rolleyes:

9th March 2008, 21:46
Straight off your sort with plenty of proof of working together.Many of us have had problems with holidays and the arrangments it will need plenty of planning but im sure it will be sorted.

In theory you would need only one trip or possibly two trips to phill. If you wanted to get married in Phill.

If you follow the fiancee visa path technically you would never need to vist Phill as you have already met and fallen in love and caried on your relationship via email, phone and what have you.

I don't know if you have but it is worth meeting bert in phill and seeing where he is from if you haven't already.

9th March 2008, 22:59
Thanks for that. I haven't been over to the Phills yet but we've spent more than 6 months together on ships. Our intention is for me to go over there when he finishes his contract , is it feasible to get married on the first trip over there.

We were going to get married in the Caribbean while we were on the ship but decided that we wanted our weeding to be a bit more special and not have to go back to work afterwards.

I'm glad I found this site, I've got a feeling I'm going to need all of your support, its good to know there's people out there who want help and know about this stuff. My friends and family are all supportive but in a kind of reserved way, I think they're all a bit wary because Berts not English...

10th March 2008, 08:02
My friends and family are all supportive but in a kind of reserved way, I think they're all a bit wary because Berts not English...

So what...???

Whose happiness are we dealing with here...???:Erm:

Don't worry, soon they will realize that he ain't the axe murderer or the boston strangler or the son of Sam....
Never mind them, concentrate on getting all the paperwork together.

Go to Phil, and get married. It can be done in 14/15 days. But better still if you have at least 3 weeks at hand. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Wedding celebrated onboard by the Captain, are only valid for the duration of the cruise........:icon_lol::icon_lol:

10th March 2008, 08:47
True enough, my family are the least of my worries really and I won't ever let them get in the way of our happiness.

I'll get onto the job of sorting paperwork out

10th March 2008, 10:07
.....soon they will realize that he ain't the axe murderer or the boston strangler or the son of Sam....
You don't watch the crime storied on the Discovery channel then? :omg: :xxmixed-smiley-017:

10th March 2008, 10:48
I've been reading all your posts and the british-filipino website about getting married in the Phills and it all sounds really complicated. I've absolutley no doubt that it will be well worth it but now I'm scared stiff of the whole procedure!

Some words of wisdom and calmness please!!

You both should decide where you want to get married either Philippines or UK. If you want to get married in Philippines then spouse visa for your partner, when he arrives here in UK he can find a job and work straight away. If you want in UK, it's a fiance visa for him, you must get married within 6 months after he received the fiance visa. After your marriage he must apply for another visa in Home Office, when he received his spouse visa he can then start to work. Honestly, fiance visa is a lot hassle than getting a spouse visa, so your plan of getting married in Philippines is a good idea and have another wedding in UK later if you want too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You can get married straight away on your first visit to him in Philippines because you have met and spend quite a lot of time to each
other before. The most important things are your proof that you have met each other before and any other things that you think that can prove your relationship to the British embassy, such as hotel receipts, holiday tickets, pictures, etc..

10th March 2008, 20:11
I've been reading all your posts and the british-filipino website about getting married in the Phills and it all sounds really complicated. I've absolutley no doubt that it will be well worth it but now I'm scared stiff of the whole procedure!

Some words of wisdom and calmness please!!

It's not that complicated and if it's really well planned, you should be able get married during a 2 week stay, but 3 weeks would be better if you don't fancy travelling home very soon after your wedding. First you have to get a CNI, (Certificate Of No Impediment) from your local registry office which will be issued after 21 days.

Fly to Manila or Cebu and plan to stay at least overnight so that you can go to either the British embassy or British Consulate if it's in Cebu. There you just present your CNI and pay about £60 and they will issue the Philippines version of the Certificate Of No Impediment.

Then travel on to where you intend to marry and apply for your marriage licence there. You will need your Birth Certificate, your Passport and your Decree Absolute if you are divorced. The marriage licence is normally issued after 10 days.

Once you have the marriage certificate, or while your waiting for it, you will probably have to attend a Pre-Marriage seminar and in some provinces, a tree planting in the barangay that you intend to get married in. Then your free to get married.

Do you think its easier to go for a holiday then go again later to get married or is it easier for Bert to come to the Uk on a visitor visa and get married over here??

If you wish to marry in the UK, he will have to apply for a fiance visa not a visitor visa.


10th March 2008, 21:26
Thanks Iain, thats really helpful. You probably won't know this (as you're a man) but I'll ask anyway incase anyone would know.

Will I need a copy of my first marriage certificate because my birth certificate and decree absolute are in different last names, my birth certificate is my maiden name my decree absolute is in my married name, I have reverted abck to my maiden name so my passport and everything for the last 10-12 years is in my maiden name. Will this cause a problem??

10th March 2008, 21:46
Thanks Iain, thats really helpful. You probably won't know this (as you're a man) but I'll ask anyway incase anyone would know.

Will I need a copy of my first marriage certificate because my birth certificate and decree absolute are in different last names, my birth certificate is my maiden name my decree absolute is in my married name, I have reverted abck to my maiden name so my passport and everything for the last 10-12 years is in my maiden name. Will this cause a problem??

As a bloke i don't know from the British side of things.

But all of us on here will answer have as much Paperwork as possible. If you don't have it your need it.

The basic rule i discovered was make sure you make life easy for the offical from whichever country put all the information they need on a plate for them. Otherwise if they are in doubt they will deny or request more info.

14th March 2008, 13:44
Hi Please help, I am on a two years spose visa but I got separated from my husband as he kicks me out of his parents house, his parents can't do anything and I am already his 2nd Filipina wife. I suffered mental and physical abuse form him and until now he still abuse me. I feel I got no choice my visa runs out this Dec 2008 and I want to stay in UK, what will happen if he dont sign my ILR. He is threatening me he is not going to sign it. Please help

14th March 2008, 15:34
Hi Please help, I am on a two years spose visa but I got separated from my husband as he kicks me out of his parents house, his parents can't do anything and I am already his 2nd Filipina wife. I suffered mental and physical abuse form him and until now he still abuse me. I feel I got no choice my visa runs out this Dec 2008 and I want to stay in UK, what will happen if he dont sign my ILR. He is threatening me he is not going to sign it. Please help
Start a new thread to begin with :rolleyes:

14th March 2008, 15:49
Hi Please help, I am on a two years spose visa but I got separated from my husband as he kicks me out of his parents house, his parents can't do anything and I am already his 2nd Filipina wife. I suffered mental and physical abuse form him and until now he still abuse me. I feel I got no choice my visa runs out this Dec 2008 and I want to stay in UK, what will happen if he dont sign my ILR. He is threatening me he is not going to sign it. Please help

going to citizen advice or your local law centre and speak to them, but

you say 'i got separated from my husband' you mean you don't live with him now ?? if thats so its a problem, i don't think you can claim ILR becuase of domestic violence if you have moved out without getting evidence of abuse.


14th March 2008, 16:42
Hi Please help, I am on a two years spose visa but I got separated from my husband as he kicks me out of his parents house, his parents can't do anything and I am already his 2nd Filipina wife. I suffered mental and physical abuse form him and until now he still abuse me. I feel I got no choice my visa runs out this Dec 2008 and I want to stay in UK, what will happen if he dont sign my ILR. He is threatening me he is not going to sign it. Please help

We have already given you advice about this on your first post http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php?t=3187


14th March 2008, 17:41

The two-headed lady :omg: A woman with one head is bad enough, one with two :222:

15th March 2008, 17:59
Sorry I still don't know how to use this site so I didn't knew who replied. Thanks. I have been to CBA and to their immigration officer but just told me that my evidence against him was weak because it was only recorded in my phone the verbal abuse, I got a diary of events as well and emails and texts but they said it's a weak evidence. HO needs intervention of Police, which I don't have. So that's why I left because I don't want to die there. It's kind of unfair though as with me sufferring from verbal abuse or say mental abuse and the proof I got are weak. I need to be physically hurt so police could intervene and yeah there's the proof... but that's how it is isn't it? So my next move is to find a way to stay in UK which is causing me a heading. Sometimes I just need support that I will get through this as I also experienced going to Filipinos to help me but help wasn't offered so it's hard to discuss my problem in person with fellow filipinos... I felt ashamed as well as it is my fellow Filipinos but there it goes, a bad experience...

15th March 2008, 18:37
Hi, Carmen where is ur location here in the U.K?

15th March 2008, 18:49
I am from Preston. do u ym?

15th March 2008, 18:59
ok, u can add me if u want.

16th March 2008, 22:21
If you look at charwell po post you will see a Yahoo symbol just below her rep power click on it then send her a message or write her yahho address down and input it manually.

She can the add you and you can chat away