View Full Version : Hello to everyone

9th March 2008, 22:56
Hi there everyone.

I have just returned to Britain from the Philippines. My lady and I have finalised all the bureaucratic details and our marriage license is due on March 13th. I am returning at the beginning of June for the wedding.

I fell in love with the Philippines the moment I set foot in the place, and our plan is for me to move there rather than for my fiancee to come to Britain.

When I visit I stay in the family home, living and eating like a Philippino as far as possible. I find it is the best way to learn the culture and the language, plus it tends to earn you more respect from the locals than I would get staying in hotels and hanging with ex-pats.

I must admit that I cannot stand PATIS - sorry to all Philippine citizens (I know you all seem to love the stuff) - but it is just awful!!!

I have found the Philippines to be generally interesting, with warm and friendly people. Although the towns and cities can be a bit scruffy and the atmosphere a bit wild west - I am always desperately sad when I come away and am always pleased to return.

Hanggang sa muli


10th March 2008, 08:59
Sounds good that you fell in love with Philippines and wanted to move there instead of bringing your lady here. But isn't it unfair for her of not seeing what is it like of being in the UK? I don't mean for her to settle down here, just for her to experience the life in the UK even for a short period of time. It's just like of what you feel in the Philippines at the moment. Ask what she think, and decide after. :)

I must admit that I cannot stand PATIS - sorry to all Philippine citizens (I know you all seem to love the stuff) - but it is just awful!!!

LOL :icon_lol:
You're not the only victim of patis. Hubby hates it as well.

btw...WElcome to the forum

10th March 2008, 09:14
You are not the only one. I am a Filipina, but i also cant stand Patis.

10th March 2008, 09:27
She will be coming to UK for holidays and to meet her in-laws
The inlaws also want to see their adopted grand daughter. She has a child from a guy who got her pregnant and ran. Luckily there was no marriage so I have no annulment problems.

10th March 2008, 10:51
I must admit that I cannot stand PAtis

your not the one,my hubby hate patis so badly but im filipina and i love patis
anyway congratulation and goodluck..

10th March 2008, 11:03
Hi there everyone.

I have just returned to Britain from the Philippines. My lady and I have finalised all the bureaucratic details and our marriage license is due on March 13th. I am returning at the beginning of June for the wedding.

I fell in love with the Philippines the moment I set foot in the place, and our plan is for me to move there rather than for my fiancee to come to Britain.

When I visit I stay in the family home, living and eating like a Philippino as far as possible. I find it is the best way to learn the culture and the language, plus it tends to earn you more respect from the locals than I would get staying in hotels and hanging with ex-pats.

I must admit that I cannot stand PATIS - sorry to all Philippine citizens (I know you all seem to love the stuff) - but it is just awful!!!

I have found the Philippines to be generally interesting, with warm and friendly people. Although the towns and cities can be a bit scruffy and the atmosphere a bit wild west - I am always desperately sad when I come away and am always pleased to return.

Hanggang sa muli


It's nice to hear that you like in Philippines even though you find it strange in some places.

We love Patis, but as you being a western it's normal to hate the smell of Patis... You haven't see and smell the most foreigner hate?? Dried fish?:D

10th March 2008, 11:57
Im addicted to patis but must have the right amount of calamasi added.
It a Marmite thing.. You either hate it or you love it.

10th March 2008, 12:27
Smells horrible but I love it!!

What about kaymito? Looks like the contents of someone's nose - but tastes great!!


10th March 2008, 12:58
Smells horrible but I love it!!

What about kaymito? Looks like the contents of someone's nose - but tastes great!!


Really Alan do you eat Patis?:Erm:

10th March 2008, 13:03
Really Alan do you eat Patis?:Erm:

We are talking about Patis - the 'fish sauce' here aren't we?


10th March 2008, 13:06

10th March 2008, 13:09

Then yes! I find the taste strangely addictive.


10th March 2008, 13:20
I am a filipina but I hates PATIS, I would rather have Knorr seasoning (he he he he) with calamansi.
Anyways, welcome to you and congrats.

10th March 2008, 13:31
You haven't see and smell the most foreigner hate?? Dried fish?

I do know the dried fish well - I can take it in small amounts with plenty of rice - but, you are right, it is not my favourite. A philippino friend told me the dried fish were 5 for 1 peso, and it was all many could afford!

At my lady's house you flush the toilet with a bucket from the shower tap, and you bathe with a pale over the head - the first pale always makes me shudder, even after three weeks of showering at least twice a day.

I have spent a day planting bamboo poles in the dirt of Bulacan, Arayat behind me, ready for the seeding of Umpalaya. I could not move the next day, and my neck was raw with the hazy sun, caused by wearing the wrong sort of hat. I ate dried fish three times a day with rice because that was all there was. They laughed at me not liking Patis - they loved to cut up unripe mangoes and dip them in Patis and eat.

At the end of the week I left the head of the household with an 18 year old bottle of Macallan in exchange for my experience and the memory - despite the Patis, I got a great deal!