View Full Version : red tape

21st March 2008, 21:37
Hi guys
thought i would drop you a line to let you know how baby christopher and i are doing as some of you may remember the home office and embassy in manila worked miracles to arrange visas for jasmines brother and sister to attend her funeral
realising that my 70 year old parents would not be able to help full time raising chris to allow me to work, my sister in law who is a nanny offered to return and look after him the idea being i would support her etc the embassy and home office both said she was welcome to return considering the circumstances so she flew back a few weeks ago but at the airport they said as she had already attended the funeral and by helping a family member like this that counted as working :Brick: even if it is unpaid so wanted to send her back :doh they seem concerned she will be a burden to the state and was taking a job away from one of our numerous immigants and suggested i employ one of the east europeans already here I pointed out that there was no actual job and that if she was sent home i would have to resign my job lose the home jas and have worked damn hard to have apply for a single parent couuncil place and live off of benifits:cwm24: whilst being a full time carer to chris so by being here she is actually saving the state a lot of money and since i would be working they get the tax ...seems to make good sense all round in addition by me working i can continue to sponser jasmine's youngest sister through college ..at this time they are considering the idea we are just praying they can see the good sense in allowing sister in law to stay

21st March 2008, 22:46
if the home office said it was Ok for you to have her stay as a nanny why then is it a problem with the once she got here. This is just aother case of blind over regulation. Hope it all works out for you, you have been through enough already and don't need all this extra stress.

21st March 2008, 22:56
I hope it gets sorted and Dave get a paper intrested get the angle right and the Daily mail or the like might pick it up?

I hope it gets sorted soon:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd March 2008, 08:54
Hello once again Dave, good to hear from you, I have to say this course of action UK Border has taken is not surprising, however it appears Jasmine's sister is with you ?

I think the Daily Mail will pick up the story again if you contact them, I know they ran the story at Christmas, and I think they would love to get in and help you in this way.

We all wish you the best Dave and hope this matter can be resolved soon.

22nd March 2008, 10:36
Hi Dave,
I think that if anyone is really deserving of a compassionate decision and that the immigration authorities take a more liberal interpretation of the rules, after what you have been through it is you. I wholeheartedly agree with Pete that you should get the support of the newspapers in this and I think you should also talk to your local MP and try to get him or her on your side.

Good Luck,

Louella & Iain.

22nd March 2008, 11:04
I think you should also talk to your local MP and try to get him or her on your side.

If you can get your MP onside he can only talk to people on his level, i.e. the minister in charge of immigration. If he writes on official letter to the minister in charge, he will probably pass it down to one of his junior ministers who will then contact the head of the immigration dept and he will contact superior of the person who is minded to make such a decision.

Everyone in the system then want's to get the issue put to bed and off their desks. It's quite archaic but thats how the system works. The thing that usually gets swift results is that the immigration officers at the bottom of the pile really hate it when they know they are being looked at from above and will have to justify their decisions.

Louella & Iain.

22nd March 2008, 11:08
I thinkit would be better if your sister in law will be the one who look after the baby as she have a connection to the baby unlike if you hire somebody that is not related to the baby they might look after the baby but might not have a attactment or affection.

22nd March 2008, 11:30
Thanks guys
nerrisa is here at the moment it was because the local MP contacted them that she has been allowed to stay a little longer whilst they decide so we are hoping they will see the good sense of allowing her to stay
At last i have got around to adding a photo of Christopher James to the gallery for those of you who asked
will stay in touch and let you know what happens

22nd March 2008, 11:43
Dave, first of all, great to hear from you again. I hope that you are as well as can be expected.

I agree with the guys on here about the Press (as well as the MP.)

The papers who ran the tragic story will WANT to be involved again I'm sure.

Even the 'Gutter Press' tend to be helpful in situations of this nature.

All the best Dave - don't be a stranger - you have SOLID people behind you here.


22nd March 2008, 15:04
Thanks guys
nerrisa is here at the moment it was because the local MP contacted them that she has been allowed to stay a little longer whilst they decide so we are hoping they will see the good sense of allowing her to stay
At last i have got around to adding a photo of Christopher James to the gallery for those of you who asked
will stay in touch and let you know what happens

What a really beautiful boy :) Thank you for posting the photo and I very must hope his aunt will be able to stay and help the two of you.

God bless


25th March 2008, 11:18

depending on your income you might be able to get childcare benefit of tax creds, if not does your employer have a child care voucher scheme ? that could save you money.

i think there is little chance of your sister inlaw being given permission to stay to be a nanny, many people have been refused Visitor visa for the same reason, when they've applied for relatives just to come and see a new born baby in the uk. they were refused because they could be here as childminders, paid or unpaid makes no difference.

i've got the same problem now, child care fee's for little joe are £370 a month, for 5 hrs a day :doh and stick on another £130 a month for my daughter :doh:doh