View Full Version : baby piccies

27th March 2008, 13:45
For those members who like such things I have just posted some pictures of our little prince in the members album

guess what this is my 101st post!! do i get a blue peter badge:icon_lol::icon_lol:

27th March 2008, 13:47
wow he's really such a lovely boy Scott..I am sure u are both proud parents..

and btw, gudluck on having 101 post..keep it up..:)


27th March 2008, 14:10
congaratulation..just see the photo of ur little
angel..so cute..

27th March 2008, 17:04
Never mind the baby, the guys want pics of the conception :omg:

27th March 2008, 17:26
Heh boss, how did you know there was a video!!!

27th March 2008, 17:29
Heh boss, how did you know there was a video!!!

who said there's a video??? they said pics or photo:icon_lol:

27th March 2008, 17:35
oh sh@t, looks like I may have dropped myself in the doo doo,:doh:doh

28th March 2008, 14:34
I have just had a major tonque lashing from my dearest, no not because I mentoned the video but because I did not post a piccie of her with our little angel! DOH!!!!. This has now been remedied in the gallery on our avatar as you can see. Whew.... a major tampo avoided.

29th March 2008, 17:47
well, typical filipina Scott..and thats what make us special, he he he