View Full Version : Hi just a newbie here

lil John
30th March 2008, 16:33
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie from the states, although I have been a member for about a week it has been fun reading the posts in this forum. I live in the central part of Washington state and I work for a food processing company here. I enjoy hiking in the mountains and riding my motorcycle.

30th March 2008, 17:49
Must have flown over your house on the way to San Fran last year :D......you don't have a hut on Mt Hood do you? :Erm:

30th March 2008, 17:50
hi Lil John, welcome to the forum..it's nice to know that we have a newbie here from the United States..:)

30th March 2008, 19:47
Greeting lil John hope you enjoy the Site Mr admin provides.

lil John
30th March 2008, 20:08
Thanks for the welcome everyone.
Keith, no hut on Mt. Hood that is a few hunred miles south of me. I live west of Mt. St. Helens. I don't know your age but that was the mountain that erupted in May of 1980

30th March 2008, 21:19
welcome lil john

you havent seen robin of sherwood have ya ?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st March 2008, 02:59

lil John
31st March 2008, 18:24
welcome lil john

you havent seen robin of sherwood have ya ?:xxgrinning--00xx3:
well now that you mentioned it I saw him just this morning robbing the rich and giving the loot to the poor

1st April 2008, 08:50
welcome :Hellooo:

1st April 2008, 14:48
Welcome here!

1st April 2008, 14:53
Welcome LiLJohn:)