View Full Version : re application

4th April 2008, 00:48
does your previous declined visa application have any bearing on your new application.... are your chances enhanced the fact you have reapplied???...If rejected can we reapply as soon as we want???or do we need to wait??
many thanks

4th April 2008, 11:17
no, shouldn't matter, as long as you wasn't refused for trying to obtain a visa by deception :yikes:

no why would your chances by enchanced :Erm:

if you don't convince the case worker that you've sorted the cause of the refusal the first time, they will probably refuse you the next time :NoNo:

when can/should you re-apply depends on why you was refused first time, if it was becuase they didn't think your relationship was real, applying straight away might not be good, get more evidence, go and see her again, more letters, logs etc...

5th April 2008, 13:39
I agree with what Moderator JOE have said..:)